Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Guess who?


Guess who? It is my dad and mom! That picture took in 1984! I was not born yet. Not for other 8 years more. One year before they get married. They look so young! It is my favorite picture of my dad and mom! My mom told me that she is 21 and dad is 27 in that picture.

I thought it is very pretty picture. They told me they met in Raspberry Rhino (bar) in Pittsburgh in 1984. My mom work in that bar. My dad was in the band! He play guitar in "The Shades", I never knew that he did play in the band. They met in the bar and they talk then they turned in love.'

In that picture, my mom look very pretty. My daddy look very handsome! he is holding cracker and talk/laugh with others and Mom just look at camera. I was surprise they dyed their hair before. My dad used to have red hair (in the band) and Mom used to have purple hair (highlighted).

I love one picture of dad that he play guitar and singing, his face look really fierce. He had RED hair! He keep his guitar still now. It is brown with pink spots. He sometime let me use it. I am so happy to have them to be my wonderful parents.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this special picture of your parents. They look such a handsome couple.
