Thursday, July 16, 2009


What is scoliosis? That mean people have curve spine. I had a curve spine. But my spine is not bad curve, just kind fine. Many people including me wearing brace. I had boston brace. Some people use Milkuakee Brace that had rod on their neck. I not have rod on neck.

Animals can have scoliosis, not all of animals.

My parents find out that I had it when I am about 12. In October 2006, one week after I get my teeth braces. after that week, I am really upset and I cried a lot.
I never like brace because it is not fun. I can't wear any clothes that not fit with brace. I had use some loose shirts. Yucky. It going under shirts. Some of my friends know that and they understand how I feel. I would tell my friends that I going to Doctor and see how many degree I have.

I not like tell people about it because I thought they will laugh but it is not true. I just like tell my friends and family. Two of my friends had tried on brace for a min and they told me that was so hard and feel bad about it.

Doctor said I not have to use it for camp because it is hard to do with it. He said that if you stop grow, I not need brace but I still grow little bit. Still now.

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