Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties

1960s, 1970s, and 1980s are my favorite decades. I don't lived in 60s-80s because I dont born yet. I born in 1992. Some of you including mom and dad are LUCKY that you lived in 60s-80s.
lists that I loves
Music in 60s-80s: Beatles, 60s classic, 70s classic, 70s disco, 70s classic, and 80s classic.
TV shows in 60s-80s: Bewitched, Little House on the Prairie, and some old cartoons.
Converse: I love that a lot! I own four pairs of shoes! Today it is VERY popular!
Converse All Star shoes used to be basketball in 60s so Chuck Taylor made that kind of shoes. 70s, there are different look but same soles, colors, and laces.

Peace Sign, Still now, it is popular now.

I found that picture on google and I like it.

I love that 70s fabric, I love Hippie thing, like Tie-Dye shirt, long hair, and love beads.

More things, Coming soon!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Old Stone Church

Old Stone Church is in Monroeville, PA. There is a cemetery. I went today and I enjoying look at cemetery. I was look for the gravestone, but could not find, It was Johnston, because the man (Mr. Johnston)founded that farm, Johnston Farm, that where used to now is Stonecliff Road, that across from that cemetery.

I saw many stones has weird last name, that last name said Moos, Really Weird! I saw stones said Pickworth, Moose, McCleadon (not sure exactly spell.

Duff family, Now there is Duff Road, after that family. Duff Road.

Oh No! There a hole, That why Old skeleton (unknown name) person came out of hole and someone push old stone on it and smashed a dead body, Just Kidding, It is not true but weird! Hole in the ground! maybe animal live that hole.

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a picture of lady. Nice? I think it is neat to put picture on stone and people in future can see lady's face.

There is Old Stone Church, which is now Crossing Road Cemetery. That church was built in early 1800s.

Million gravestones, Just Kidding, it is probably 200 or 250 gravestones and a lot of spaces and need to buried people in future, some are recently dug covered the ground.

Aber family, Now there two streets, one in Plum, PA, it is Abers Creek Road (near to Monroeville) and one is end of Monroeville, it is Abers Creek too. That why there have a Creek, It is Abers Creek

Poor baby, Born then died. That why many babies died at infant or birth because of Illness. Or can be fell out of the wagon and big heavy wheel smashed baby, Ouch, it will be so painfully.

Tilbrook Family, Now Tilbrook Road (or Street) after that family and Tilbrook Street is long road from Library to Monroeville Community Park

Stroschein family, Now Stroschein Road is after that family

Beatty family, Now a street name is Beatty St, after a family

A old (weird) teddy bear in that rich gravestone, That is belong to a baby who died as infant. Teddy Bear sit on a stone bench, it look weird but nice.

That is army (Lit or General), that why it have flag.

Enjoy? History of Monroeville... coming soon, Tonight!

Monday, May 4, 2009



See, Sign language, ABCs and numbers. DO you think it is hard or easy, Learn and try your best. I think it is easy for deaf people. Look at numbers in sign, some are same you already know- 1 and 2 and 4 and 5. 3 and 6 are different.
Do you enjoy learn sign? I will teach you 11-100 in sign but it is hard on blog so better when we meet someday.
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