Monday, March 23, 2009



Pittsburgh is 2nd large city in Pennsylvania, 1st large city is Philadelphia in Pennsylvania then Pittsburgh. We (people) call- Pitts and PGH.

1st row- building, two pictures of old train station which now is Grand Concoursel (Resturant), fanciest Resturant in Station Square!

2nd row- in Grand Concoursel, there old sign say women's waiting room because there men and women room was separated in old days in 1900s or so and they wait for train. beautiful 3 buildings, sign said Bank sign, founded in 1800s.

3rd row- Old church but it is called sorrow of bridge, I not remember why it is called but I think they put bad people in jail. beautiful fountain. really weird gold lady on wall, old one, that people can put flame on little hole and they can put their smoke or cigar on it and smoking in old days, now not allowed.

4th row- other old church. Subway! not resturant, underground train, it is coolest and fastest one in Pittsburgh. and old bridge and little sign on it said Train Station, that was used to where people walk under bridge and go to Train Station.
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  1. You ate Thanksgiving dinner at The Grand Concourse in 2008 and 2007. Mommy and daddy had their wedding luncheon there. Of course, you weren't born in 1986.

  2. Hi Brii!! These pictures are really cool, and the commentary with them is great - I love the story about the separate waiting rooms! Hope you are having a good week and that the weekend is great for you. Amelie is still loving her sign cards (although sometimes I have to rescue them - she likes the feeling of them on her tongue because they are smooth - so some of them have to be dried out overnight!) Thank you again for thinking up such great presents for her! You're a star!

    Fiona x
