Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Bunnies, I collect 14 bunnies when I am younger. I can't remember which one was first. I collect between 1998 and 2000. 5 bunnies are broken (Cracked) and two out of five bunnies are RUSTY. (not in photo)

Notice 3 last bunnies in row, I pick accidently same bunnies but I decide called them Peter and Cottontail and Flopsy, that from book. Book name is Peter Rabbit. I remember their names and I read it when I am very young.
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  1. You will always be our little bunny girl. :)

  2. This post made me smile so much Brii!! Amelie loves Peter Rabbit - she has some little books (which she eats and reads!!) which have Peter Rabbit teaching colours, and numbers, and shapes - really for very small babies - but one of them has Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail!! And Peter of course!!

    My favourite of yours is Mittens!! When you come to Northern Ireland we'll take you to the farm where you'll see lots of the real thing in action!!
