Friday, November 6, 2009

Washington DC Trip.

Hello! I am still here...I was so busy with school but I read your blogs sometime. I forget tell you about Washington DC trip.
I tell you now.

9th grade trip...Few kids not come because of 4 detenion halls. 13 kids who went.
I still remember it, 7 1/2 month ago!

On Sunday, March 29, 2009, I pack some clothes for trip. I stay school on Monday, March 30 for overnight. Some kids who are day-students stay at dorm for a night. I was happy for go to Washington DC again, I went there in Summer 2004 (only went for one day) with mommy and daddy. Anyway, We put our suitcases in dorm. We ate dinner then went to dorm. We talk then went to sleep.
Next day at 5:45am, we woke up. We went outside, meet staffs and kids at bus (Fancy bus with restroom and DVD players, like 6), outside is little chilly. We went in the bus. I sit alone. Most kids prefer sit alone because they can sleep on seat and their legs on other side of seat. So, Staff give us soda pop and snacks. At Breezewood, Pennsylvania (about two hours away from school), we eat at MCDONALDS :), I got McMuffin with egg and sauages (still remember what I got it haha)
Then we went to bus again. Two more hours later. We put our cellphones/Sidekicks in box (not allow use phone all day). We met the man (tourist leader) and eat lunch. Some got Subway. I think I got lunch from Subway. (Subway is a popular resturant that serve tasty 6 inches or 12 inches subs, flatbreads, salads, COOKIES, soda pop, and chips).
Then we went to museum. We saw Magna Carta (PAPER is signed in 1215 AD, Can't you believe that?! I was like wow! That is amazing to see oldest paper from year 1215)
Anyway, we walk then went to museums then went inside Capitol building then dinner then walk to WWII Memorial and Vietnam war memorial and Abraham Lincoln memorial, we walk up the steps and see giant statue of Lincoln then we went to hotel. We want go to pool but we arrived at 9:10pm and pool closed at 9pm.
We slept at 11pm then woke up at 6am. We ate breakfast at hotel then went to museum again then lunch at Subway then went to store. We walk to Federal Court building and see White House, it is so beautiful! We went to Arlington Cemetery. Then went to bus. We ate dinner at Golden Corral then arrive dorm so late at 11pm.
Next day, we are at school and eat breakfast then went to classes.
It was best memories of year! We love it. It was so fun. My back was so sore when I am standing but when I sit, it is fine because I not use brace for 2 days.
Quick Facts
Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush (Little House) went to Washington DC in Christmas 1978 with their parents and brother and stay at White House. They got meet President Mr. Carter but they not meet him but just met his daughter, Amy Carter. I will post it about them in other blog. Amy Carter is adorabled but twins are so cute!
My favorite part of Washington DC is anything.


  1. I never went on a school trip, and your sister only went to Sea World, when she was in middle school, making you a very lucky girl.

    We only went to Washington for one day? I remember taking you to a few of the Smithsonian museums, but not anything else. Daddy and I were there twice, I think, and I was there with my family when I was 12.

    Jimmy Carter was my favorite president. I was in junior high when he was elected, so I was too young to vote. I would like to meet him, and also Bill Clinton.

  2. I enjoyed hearing about your trip to Washington DC. I would love to go there myself one day. Your have some wonderful memories that I am sure you will treasure forever.
