Do you spot a cracker tin cup and waldo? Where is Waldo?
Soda pop bottles. There are many old coca-cola (coke) bottles and have real soda liquid in the bottle! Wow! If it is from 1940s and Keep liquid to now, We are not allowed to open because it is too old to drink and it will taste bitter. Do you spot a fat shaped bottle?
Ice box! I thought it is very cool! Brown one is very old ice box. It is from like early 1920s-1930s. It can keep ice little cool but it is only be cold for last 2-4 days. Green one ice box with electrics, I think it is from 1940s. I thought it is very nice thing that had electric and keep ice cooler.
I saw a freak-look Mickey Mouse statue. I think it is VERY weird and freak statue! I thought it was not Mickey but he had a yellow shoes. He had fur. Does Mice have fur? No? Mice have hairy. Close up of Mickey Mouse's face. Very freak look! I would not buy that freak-look statue. He is like from 1950s.
Thanks for showing us round the flea market and pointing out all the interesting stuff. The Mickey Mouse looks like an alien Mickey mouse!!!