Tuesday, June 30, 2009
This is Daisy. My grandmother's little puppy. We got her on Feb. 6, 2009, she is 2 and half month old and 3 pounds. Her birthday is Nov. 17, 2008. Right now, she is 7 month old. Wow, She grew a lot! Before, she was wee-tiny, now little bigger. See Two first pictures of her. One is in petstore, see me snuggle with her? and other is in bathroom. Close up of us. She had a pink bow on her head. Now recently, she is in onesies. Aren't she cute?
I adores to play with her. I came to grandmother's house almost every Fridays (from Feb to May) and I usually play with Daisy for hours and hours like 5-6 hours. Haha but sometime she eat, drink, and sleep. Whenever she is sleeping and I going to upstairs, she will wake up and follow me. And I go to bathroom and she sit by door and wait for me.
On Feb. 6, 2009, We went to Petland and show me that Morkies puppies. Daisy is Morkie. Morkies are Yorkie and Maltese mixed. We saw her in a little box with glass window. She is sleeping. So I tapped light on window and she woke up. We decide tell person who works at Petland (petstore) and we play with Daisy. At first, she was so tiny and little scared and she likes to play with my shoelaces.
We stayed in a little room for like 2-3 hours but I not remember. I decide give my old shoelaces to her to play and love it. So my grandmom asked person about how many cost is she? She said like 1,500 dollars or something. She got half off price! We pay it and get puppy stuff like bed, food, and toys. I took a purple toy (purple furry man) and she likes to chewing it.
They put a pink bow on her. I took some collars and leashes and put on Daisy, which color suit her. I choose a purple one with flowers collar and purple leash. They put Daisy in little cardboard box. We think about name. First I told her what about Oreo so we not want that name. I thought Daisy is pretty name so we choose that name. We took her to home. We put her on floor. She is little bit scared but she is ok.
We set up crate. At first several weeks, Daisy had to stay in the kitchen with long silver gate. If I want go upstairs and I had to lift her and go to upstairs and put her in playroom (guest room and sew room) and door closed. Then probably in mid of March 2009, I was surprise that she did on stairs all by herself. Then in April. She can jump on sofa, chair (not dining room chair, it is too high for her) and bed all by herself.
I cant believe she grew so big! Now she is 8 pounds. Few weeks ago, I heard that my grandmother took her to hospital for spayed surgery. I hope she is doing ok. She is fine now. Oh yeah whenever I come in house and she would jump in crate and I opened and she jumped on me. Then she calm down for a few min. She like eat apples and chickens. She understand "sit" and "stay" and "come". I did both voice and sign to her and she did! Wow! She is just puppy and she could understand sit, stay, and come!
Her favorite toys are chewing on bones and keys toy something. She like squeaky pink ball so I could fetch it to her. Sometime she like chew on my grandmother's crocs shoes. Haha and she would steal my shoes and any people's socks. She like to come with us and take a walk outside but she is bad. She would run when we walk. Thank for reading about Daisy.
I will post about my sister's dog tomorrow!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Flea Market, June 27th, 2009.
What a freak look doll! But it is old doll with big head. It is look like over 100 years old doll. Did you see telegraph? It is very cool! from late 1890s or early 1900s. It is similar to Little House on the Prairie because they have telegraph but It does not have in 1870s-1880s! But TV show is from 1974-1983. I like it. 

Do you spot a cracker tin cup and waldo? Where is Waldo?

Soda pop bottles. There are many old coca-cola (coke) bottles and have real soda liquid in the bottle! Wow! If it is from 1940s and Keep liquid to now, We are not allowed to open because it is too old to drink and it will taste bitter. Do you spot a fat shaped bottle?

Ice box! I thought it is very cool! Brown one is very old ice box. It is from like early 1920s-1930s. It can keep ice little cool but it is only be cold for last 2-4 days. Green one ice box with electrics, I think it is from 1940s. I thought it is very nice thing that had electric and keep ice cooler.

I saw a freak-look Mickey Mouse statue. I think it is VERY weird and freak statue! I thought it was not Mickey but he had a yellow shoes. He had fur. Does Mice have fur? No? Mice have hairy. Close up of Mickey Mouse's face. Very freak look! I would not buy that freak-look statue. He is like from 1950s.

Do you spot a cracker tin cup and waldo? Where is Waldo?
Soda pop bottles. There are many old coca-cola (coke) bottles and have real soda liquid in the bottle! Wow! If it is from 1940s and Keep liquid to now, We are not allowed to open because it is too old to drink and it will taste bitter. Do you spot a fat shaped bottle?
Ice box! I thought it is very cool! Brown one is very old ice box. It is from like early 1920s-1930s. It can keep ice little cool but it is only be cold for last 2-4 days. Green one ice box with electrics, I think it is from 1940s. I thought it is very nice thing that had electric and keep ice cooler.
I saw a freak-look Mickey Mouse statue. I think it is VERY weird and freak statue! I thought it was not Mickey but he had a yellow shoes. He had fur. Does Mice have fur? No? Mice have hairy. Close up of Mickey Mouse's face. Very freak look! I would not buy that freak-look statue. He is like from 1950s.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monroeville, Pennsylvania.
I will tell you about history in Monroeville, Pennsylvania! But part of it, I tell you about raised in Monroeville and what look like in Monroeville in 1990s-2000s
In mid-1700s, People setters in Monroeville. Monroeville is name after Joel Monroe. Some people thought Monreoville is after President James Monroe (5th) but not true.
Before 1900s- before call "Monroeville", it was named "Patterson Township".
Few years ago, I looked on map, It is called Municity of Monroeville. Even they call it now. I was raised in Monroeville for 16 years and 8 months! I remember it very good.
There is a lot of old houses that built in 1890s to 1980s. Some recently built in 1990s to 2000s. My old house was built in 1964. I was surprise when my dad told me about basement of our old house. He said, "Long time ago in 60s-70s, there a lady who lived that house, she had a salon in the basement, We can see sink and red counter in the basement. There a big stained on floor, I asked him, it is might be dye color spilled on floor but we don't know why"
I thought it was amazing about having salon in basement! Near garage, there have a door, it is look like little store in house. Last Summer 2008, We tear apart sink and counter, there was a huge hole behind the sink! We use hammer and other thing like crowbar for tear apart the sink and counter.
I went North, East, South, and West Monroeville. I went to Old Stone Church, I already post about it before, 1 1/2 months ago. I has a lot memories of this city that I grew up for long time.
I will visit there sometime because my family live in PA, mostly in Pittsburgh area. I like go to stores and restaurants in Monroeville.
Monroeville is big city. Monroeville have borders (cities)---- Plum, Murrsville, Turtle Creek, Trafford, Pitcairn (It is part of Monroeville), Wilkins, and Penn Hills. Monroeville is 20 minutes away to Pittsburgh.
In mid-1700s, People setters in Monroeville. Monroeville is name after Joel Monroe. Some people thought Monreoville is after President James Monroe (5th) but not true.
Before 1900s- before call "Monroeville", it was named "Patterson Township".
Few years ago, I looked on map, It is called Municity of Monroeville. Even they call it now. I was raised in Monroeville for 16 years and 8 months! I remember it very good.
There is a lot of old houses that built in 1890s to 1980s. Some recently built in 1990s to 2000s. My old house was built in 1964. I was surprise when my dad told me about basement of our old house. He said, "Long time ago in 60s-70s, there a lady who lived that house, she had a salon in the basement, We can see sink and red counter in the basement. There a big stained on floor, I asked him, it is might be dye color spilled on floor but we don't know why"
I thought it was amazing about having salon in basement! Near garage, there have a door, it is look like little store in house. Last Summer 2008, We tear apart sink and counter, there was a huge hole behind the sink! We use hammer and other thing like crowbar for tear apart the sink and counter.
I went North, East, South, and West Monroeville. I went to Old Stone Church, I already post about it before, 1 1/2 months ago. I has a lot memories of this city that I grew up for long time.
I will visit there sometime because my family live in PA, mostly in Pittsburgh area. I like go to stores and restaurants in Monroeville.
Monroeville is big city. Monroeville have borders (cities)---- Plum, Murrsville, Turtle Creek, Trafford, Pitcairn (It is part of Monroeville), Wilkins, and Penn Hills. Monroeville is 20 minutes away to Pittsburgh.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Magic Kingdom, Disney World, Lake Beuna Vista (Orlando), FL
Magic Kingdom is my first favorite of four parks. Magic Kingdom open first in 1971. I love that park very much. Because there are many rides. Seven Lands in Magic Kingdom. Lists- Main Street U.S., Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Squares, Tomorrowland, Mickey's Toontown Fair, and Fantasyland.
I like 5 lands. Toontown and Fantasyland for babies and little ones.
I will tell you which I like and dislike rides.
Main Street U.S.- No rides but most are stores. There is Cinderella's Castle. Have train that can take you to any lands, If you want go to Fantasyland, You ride that so You not have to walk to there but If you like ride on train or walk.
Adventureland rides- I like some. Pirates of Caribbean ride (boat) is pretty cool. Ride in dark. See part of thing like Movie, Even Johnny Depp but not real! All robot people look like from movies.
Frontierland rides- BIG THUNDER MOUNTAIN RAILROAD (roller coaster) I love that ride so much. It is most excited ride! I like Brer Rabbit Splash waterslide, it has a big, long slide. One time, it was funny, I was ride with dad. I had a hiccups in line on way. We got on and ride. So We are top of slide. Boat go down really fast, I was scream and my hiccups was gone. I thought it is funny thing. I was excited scream. Like AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Liberty Squares rides- I not really like but Haunted Masions (like Movie)ride but it is little bored.
Fantasyland rides- all rides are stupid. I really hate "It's A Small World. So annoying. My dad dislike it too. Mad Tea Cup is not really my favorite but enjoying turning steer. We sit in tea cup and Turning cup really fast spinning. I think it was funny.
Tomorrowland rides- I enjoy some rides. SPACE MOUNTAIN, it was roller coaster IN the dark! Well have some lights inside. But It is closed last April 2009 for remodel. So It will open in Nov 19, 2009.
Toontown Fair- Not go there anymore but it is kind of stupid. Babies rides anyway.
My first time went to Disney World, I was eight and half years old. I can't ride some rides because I was too short. Which now, I can ride all rides.
I will tell you more other parks. My arm start fell asleep from typing.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Blond hair and brown hair

My natural color hair is medium brown hair. When i am about ten, My hair was dyed blond, look how bright blond hair is? I think it took in 2005. My brown hair with little bit tip of blond. It took in 2008. I love longer hair. When I am about nine, I have really long hair then cut it. I think my hair was short when I am ten or eleven. Then my hair root got brown and less blond. Now I not have blond hair. Now it is medium hair. I used to have bangs. I think I have bangs when I am four, until eight.
Deaf Culture
Deaf Culture- Talk about deaf history.
Do you think deaf people can't read or write? No, Deaf people can do ANYTHING the same as hearing people do! Long time ago in 1800s, hearing people were really cruel to deaf people. Because they forced them to SPEAK. No Sign allowed. If they sign one word, people would handcuff them. Or even worse, break their fingers. There is an island in Mass. named Martha's Vineyard. 1700s-19??, the deaf people can sign and only deaf people on that island. Now there is just an island. People go there for vacation. Anyway, Helen Keller, a deaf and blind lady was born in 1880. When she was 18 months old she got sick and became deaf and blind. You know her anyway.
In 1940s, radio and TV were invented. Deaf people can't hear at all. In 1979 first time Closed Captions were on TV. In 1970 they are allowed to sign. But before 1970 they have oral school. Speak only but they can sign in dorm.
There are many deaf schools in U.S.. The first deaf school was in Connecticut. The school was named ASD, American School for the Deaf in 1820s. The deaf schools used to be Deaf and Dumb. Dumb not mean stupid because dumb mean not talk.
Deaf people can learn to write, read, talk, walk, sign, and other. Hearing people can learn sign too.
Sign Language, ASL- American Sign Language. ASL came from France. ASL have more than 1,000 signs. Many hearing and deaf babies learn sign before they speak. Most time they learn basic sign like mama, papa, milk, more, and bye. Then preschool to first grade kids learn more sign. Second grade to adult learn more sign. Mostly in middle school to adult learn advanced sign. We not use English sign because it is WRONG. It is old sign in 1900 to 1990s.
In early 1880s or 1890s, there is first hearing aids! The deaf people use it for hearing. In 1980s-1990s, hearing aids with a big battery on straps on your chest were used. Present day, the people use it too, without straps.
What Hearing Aids look like? Look at that picture.

There are many colors of ear molds like red, blue, pink, rainbow, glitter, and many others.
Do you think deaf people can't read or write? No, Deaf people can do ANYTHING the same as hearing people do! Long time ago in 1800s, hearing people were really cruel to deaf people. Because they forced them to SPEAK. No Sign allowed. If they sign one word, people would handcuff them. Or even worse, break their fingers. There is an island in Mass. named Martha's Vineyard. 1700s-19??, the deaf people can sign and only deaf people on that island. Now there is just an island. People go there for vacation. Anyway, Helen Keller, a deaf and blind lady was born in 1880. When she was 18 months old she got sick and became deaf and blind. You know her anyway.
In 1940s, radio and TV were invented. Deaf people can't hear at all. In 1979 first time Closed Captions were on TV. In 1970 they are allowed to sign. But before 1970 they have oral school. Speak only but they can sign in dorm.
There are many deaf schools in U.S.. The first deaf school was in Connecticut. The school was named ASD, American School for the Deaf in 1820s. The deaf schools used to be Deaf and Dumb. Dumb not mean stupid because dumb mean not talk.
Deaf people can learn to write, read, talk, walk, sign, and other. Hearing people can learn sign too.
Sign Language, ASL- American Sign Language. ASL came from France. ASL have more than 1,000 signs. Many hearing and deaf babies learn sign before they speak. Most time they learn basic sign like mama, papa, milk, more, and bye. Then preschool to first grade kids learn more sign. Second grade to adult learn more sign. Mostly in middle school to adult learn advanced sign. We not use English sign because it is WRONG. It is old sign in 1900 to 1990s.
In early 1880s or 1890s, there is first hearing aids! The deaf people use it for hearing. In 1980s-1990s, hearing aids with a big battery on straps on your chest were used. Present day, the people use it too, without straps.
What Hearing Aids look like? Look at that picture.
There are many colors of ear molds like red, blue, pink, rainbow, glitter, and many others.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Deformed Pretzel
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Biography about me!
On Friday afternoon, September 25th, 1992. At Magee Hospital, I was born at 1:07pm. My weight are 7lbs, 8oz, and 19 1/3 inches tall. I had light brown hair and blue eyes. So, Doctor said I will be fine but he said I will be retarded. He is WRONG. I was a normal baby. At 6 weeks old in November 1992, I had heart surgery. I still have scar now but it is wee bit white scar on my left side.
At few months old, my parents did not know that I am deaf. They took me to the hospital. Doctor said I am deaf. At six months old, I got my very first hearing aids.
I went to Oral School, School name is DePaul School. That school only for talking, not signing. I went there for four and half years.
At four and half years old, I went to WPSD (Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf) in May 1997. I met Emily, Joanna, Glenn, and Blaise. They started in 1996. Emily and Joanna are still my best friends, but we call Old best friends. Some kids and I moved to big school from Aanarde (white house, a small school for preschool and kindgarten)
On Sept 1999, I started first grade. In 2003, my class go to Older Elementary, that where we have many classes with many teachers. I start in 4th grade in 2003. On Sept 2006, We start high school in 7th grade. I like high school best. On Jan or Feb 2007, We heard that We will have Middle School, 5th grade to 8th grade. We had go to middle school. I like middle school. I miss some Middle school teachers.
Anyway, I had few surgeries. Tube in nose, at 2 1/2 years old, ear tubes in early 2000s, which I hate it! Tonsil and Adenoids out in May 2008, I totally HATE it. I had to stay home for two weeks. I went to doctor on Tuesday, June 3, 2008. We talk about how is my tonsil, It actually little swollen before surgery. So I hope I can go to school on Wed, Thurs, and Friday. She said yes, you can go, I am so trilled. I miss my friends and I got mail from my class, it is card, Hope you feel better. So I had two days for school. On June 6, Last day of school. I not allow to eat hard, hot, spicy, citrus, and salty foods until June 10. Yuck. I had to eat same jell-o, macaroni, and water. I eat ice cream for breakfast. I can eat/drink anything that with dairy, two days after surgery.
On August 2008, I went to high school again! I like it too. On May 2009, We had to move to Florida. I feel sad but I not miss anyone now because I can E-Mail, VRS, AIM, and other to my family and friends. VRS is Video Relay Service, that for deaf people and kids too. They can talk to deaf friends on video. They can call interpreter to call hearing people. I got VRS in Jan 15, 2005, VP100. Then April 2008, I got VP200. VP is other word, Video P..something I forget.
At few months old, my parents did not know that I am deaf. They took me to the hospital. Doctor said I am deaf. At six months old, I got my very first hearing aids.
I went to Oral School, School name is DePaul School. That school only for talking, not signing. I went there for four and half years.
At four and half years old, I went to WPSD (Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf) in May 1997. I met Emily, Joanna, Glenn, and Blaise. They started in 1996. Emily and Joanna are still my best friends, but we call Old best friends. Some kids and I moved to big school from Aanarde (white house, a small school for preschool and kindgarten)
On Sept 1999, I started first grade. In 2003, my class go to Older Elementary, that where we have many classes with many teachers. I start in 4th grade in 2003. On Sept 2006, We start high school in 7th grade. I like high school best. On Jan or Feb 2007, We heard that We will have Middle School, 5th grade to 8th grade. We had go to middle school. I like middle school. I miss some Middle school teachers.
Anyway, I had few surgeries. Tube in nose, at 2 1/2 years old, ear tubes in early 2000s, which I hate it! Tonsil and Adenoids out in May 2008, I totally HATE it. I had to stay home for two weeks. I went to doctor on Tuesday, June 3, 2008. We talk about how is my tonsil, It actually little swollen before surgery. So I hope I can go to school on Wed, Thurs, and Friday. She said yes, you can go, I am so trilled. I miss my friends and I got mail from my class, it is card, Hope you feel better. So I had two days for school. On June 6, Last day of school. I not allow to eat hard, hot, spicy, citrus, and salty foods until June 10. Yuck. I had to eat same jell-o, macaroni, and water. I eat ice cream for breakfast. I can eat/drink anything that with dairy, two days after surgery.
On August 2008, I went to high school again! I like it too. On May 2009, We had to move to Florida. I feel sad but I not miss anyone now because I can E-Mail, VRS, AIM, and other to my family and friends. VRS is Video Relay Service, that for deaf people and kids too. They can talk to deaf friends on video. They can call interpreter to call hearing people. I got VRS in Jan 15, 2005, VP100. Then April 2008, I got VP200. VP is other word, Video P..something I forget.
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