Merry Christmas to you all!
How say Merry Christmas and New Year in different languages.
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So, 2010 is coming up soon.
Happy Holidays.
To Jessica--
Thank you for gift. I like it. Happy Holidays.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Windsor Moutain International
I wrote it before but this time, I wrote longer. 30 pages!
Windsor Mountain International Summer Camp (WMI)
It is about my favorite camp.
Memories at WMI.
History of WMI.
WMI is locate in Windsor, New Hampshire. But It is originally in Hillsboro, NH.
Before 1961, there is a lot of space in that campsite. There is where people settled and live there. A cemetery was there, it is abandoned cemetery.
On June 1, 1961, Richard Herman founded that camp. He bought 1000 acres land.
He named it “Windsor Mountain Interlocken”. later, Interlocken change to International.
In 1999, there is a first deaf program in WMI.
My first time in WMI, 1st part
In Jan or Feb 2006. My mom looked in google and search for deaf camp. So she found WMI and apply it for me. She signed on paper- July session for a month (3 ½ wks)
At first, I was nervous for go to new camp. I told my parents that “I would have homesick” but it never happed. I was only 13 ½ years old. I went in late June to middle of July. I was little nervous as we come to there. I remember we tried buy ticket paper that we go to NYC but we missed flight so we get to Philly (Philadelphia), then go to Boston, Mass. I looked at WMI papers. I was little anxious and little excited for go to camp.
2nd part.
As we enter the camp but we went wrong direction, We went to right road but it is not camp. So we drive back and went to left road. I met staffs, I think I was nervous and little bit grin at new people. I get shy at first but like 1-2 hours later, I was not shy. We went to Tree house “Dorms” and Goldrush is my first dorm. I thought it was name “Goldrush” because of they found gold under the dorm. But it is not true but maybe. As parents left and I walking around big deck and met some kids. I not remember part of it. But I try to remember. I met my first counselor, Lizzie. And dorm mate girls name- Lila, Celeste, Selena, they are hearing. One deaf name is Sara. They are nice. At first, I not know which one is.
3rd part
Next day, We had to do 3 things. We do Swim test, Lice check, and Tennis test. I got arc 3. I swam in cold lake but I jumped in and it is cold then little bit later, it is not really cold. It is fine. Anyway, I was surprise that food was amazing and really delicious. I did not know that two groups (each groups take turn to work in kitchen everyday) work in kitchen party (KP) and they wash dishes, cups, trays, silverwares, and put them in big box and put it in machine, one kid watch it heat and dry then kids do runner and get box (really steamy and hot as out) and put it away in the dining hall. We do twice in a month. My favorite food in 2006- I not remember but I like chicken patties (extremely good). Campers not allowed to drink coffee. But at breakfast, we allowed to drink hot cocoa. Hot tea for just breakfast and any day, when it is rain or very cold day.
4th part
I met deaf counselors and campers. But I not really like deaf campers. But they are okay. The deaf counselors name- Ruthie, Caroline, JB, and Ruben (not Reuben, that is sandwich).
Deaf campers- they are okay. Laura, Esther, Esther, Idy (Adele), Sara, Rebecca, Fangen, and Jack. I not really like them because they support Yankees, Giants, and Patriots (BOO THEY ARE CHEAT ON STEELERS) and I am only one who support Pirates and Steelers.They seem not say anything about Steelers maybe they not like it. WHO cares? Steelers is best team. One of them said NY Giants is best, I disagree and I told her that Pirates is best…so what?
5th part
I have many good classes. I love night actives. My favorite night actives is CAPTURE THE FLAG! I thought it was so fun! Deaf plus actives is ok but I like 3 days trip. Deaf plus went on trip for 3 days. Actually 2 nights, 3 days. We went to Vermont. We went to deaf school- Austine School for the Deaf, there is very, very small school, just had 1-2 building and two floors. I tried not to laugh but I told them that school had red bricks like my school’s red bricks. We decide walk little further from that school. We ran down HUGE hill. I like but it is ok. Very steep but not cliff. Just grassy hill. We went to farm in Vermont? Or Boston. We met some animals. We use wool something that make spinning from sheep’s wool coat. Oh yeah we went to Llama farm. Llamas are nice but some are scared and some like to petted by kids.
6th part
We went to Boston old historic tour, I love it very much. I like walk and saw Paul Reeve’s cabin or other man’s cabin but I not remember. We went to somewhere but still in Mass and went to lake but I did not swim and just sit on rock and look at them. Some kids not swim and just sit on rock. We went to forest and sleep in forest. I think I like or not but I not remember. We ate smores or hotdog. I not remember part of it. Sorry, It is three years ago.
7th part
We went to back to WMI. Most kids are excited to see us. I usual get around with dorm girls and some tent girls. Fork Fest, I not like it. I had to play in the play but I not remember what it is called. But I like eat brunch. There many families came. Some kids and I had a good time. 4-5 staffs and 1-2 interpreters took us to Diamond Acre Ice Cream! I think I got Rocky Road Ice Cream. We played on swing set for little bit. Then we went to back to the camp. I not know what we doing in end of day.
8th part (last part of 2006)
We had Dunny Day, I love it veryyyy much. We had swim in lake ALL afternoon! I not remember well in 2006. I have friends. Their name- Lila, Selena, Celeste, Sarah, Elsa, Isabella, Gabriela, Clara, Rachel, Sara, Idy, Rebecca, Gyulnara, Sophie L, Isabelle, Carolyn, Lexi, Emily S, Margot, Kasey, Julie, Augusta, Clara O, Simone, Annie, Keturah, Taylor, Alexa, Ami (Mia), Katie, Maddy, Hannah, Alyssa, Margaret, Liz, Olivia, Kirstine, Hope, and Colette. I had in touch with some because I had their facebook and emails. I recently wrote mail to my 3 friends- Gyulnara, Sophie, and Simone while they are in camp. I got yearbook (2006) I was look at August Session, I thought it had a deaf plus in Aug session but wrong. Now yearbook was old and torn some papers. At end of week, I loved camp VERY much. I not sure if I cried on last day of school and I was hoping I can go back to camp next summer.
1st part (2007)
Soon after Jan 2007, I saw WMI paper said Deaf Plus moved to Aug Session, I was little puzzled but happier that I can come back to camp again. It start in July 25, 2007. I was excited to go! I went to WPSD camp for a week then break at home for a while then go to WMI. I went to airplane with daddy. We went to Pitts airport then NY? Or Philly? Then Manchester, NH. I like Manchester airport, it is very nice place. Then we had to eat lunch. We went to Corner something in Concord, NH. I ate French bread sandwich, it is really good. I ate half because it is big I think or full from eat. Then we went to WMI. I was excited but I notice there many many new faces and not have same people from 2006. My dorm was Hilton. My counselor name is Megan. My dormmate are Isabelle, Sam, Miranda, Eliana, and Kelly.
2nd part
I asked Elle about where is people from 2006, she said They are not coming. I like new deaf people, they are nice. I played outside on the deck for like 2 or 3 hours. I talked new friends quickly. I met a lot new faces, they are very very nice. I met new nice friends, who from Japan. Their name are Kako and Riho Ito. They stay camp for 2 months. I had first Japanese friends! I think 2007 had more countries kids than 2006. They are nice. I like my counselor. She know sign too. My favorite food in 2007 is Chicken Patties again heh, it is best and I not know why I like it so all kids loveee it too! I get Arc 3. Oh well. I was good swimmer now. Anyway, I like deaf plus. Deaf staffs name- Joe-Joe, David, um I not remember other. Sorry…. Deaf kids- Laura, Riley, Dovondon, Rebbi (England), Ivan, and Satchen. Ivan and Satchen are cute but they are too funny and make people laugh. They are just ten years old.
3rd part
I like new counselors well some are from 2006. I learn kayak very first time, I like it very much. I thought that boat will tipped off but had to be balanced when turn it. I like it a lot. I do it myself learn but interpreter just said just use oars to paddle it. I knew what is kayak oars look like, it had two paddle on ends. I did canoe too, I learned before like age 8 or 9 but I not remember where I learned to how do canoe. But I like canoe a lot! I love night actives still, my favorite is capture the flag still, it was so much fun to play game. I love it. All kids love it. We love it too! I glad I have good time with friends in Aug session. I like Aug session than July session but I do like my friends from 2006. I was 14 ½ years old in 2007.
4th part
Deaf plus was pretty good but I don’t really like some kids. There no Deaf Plus trips because it is not fair to other hearing kids not going trips. So I am fine with that problem. I think I took art classes and other classes a lot. I met little ones but I met one in 2006. They are so cute. Their name- Miriam, Amri, and Vidalia. They are under four. I met Miriam in 2006, she’s little bit crybaby but still cute. Vidalia is so cute, I played with her almost everyday. She is one years old and likes eat any breads. Once I played with her in her parents’ little apartment which is in 2nd floor in HMO (Nurse office) and they let me fed her a supper. She is very patented baby and not really cry, if she fell and she did not cry. She is brave baby! Amri is cute but wild little Jamaican boy. He is about 3. He had cute curly (in braid) hair and likes to dance and usually carry around with his little blue stuffed dog, it was named Spunky but he cant say SP so he call it Funky.
5th part
They have Dunny Day too! I love it too. I had my purple jacket and they sprayed it back of jacket- it said- Where were you on Dunny Day 2007 but I not know where is it now. Anyway, soon after Dunny Day afternoon, they had song-a-along in campfire so deaf plus going to “Beach” but it is big lake. We had sandwiches and smores. I remember one interpreter’s old dog ate one staff’s whole one sandwich, we tries stop him but he ate all. I thought it was funny.
6th part
Theatre Fest! I like it a lot. I was in the show. The show name is Rocks, Papers, and Scissors, I think but it is right. I was paper. We had a lot good time. Some kids and I had go to ice cream place again. I think I got Moose Track. I never had it one before but it is good and it is little bit vision of Rocky Road but hard to explain about how they look apart. We play on the swing set again but we play tag. I had a lot fun. Anyway, end of day, I think we play Capture the Flag. Anyway, I like Theatre Fest than that bored old Folk Fest.
7th part
Here is my friends, I keep in touch with them because they have email and facebook too! Their name- Abby, Rachel K, Ella, Madeline, Kasey (not 2006), Fiona, Fanny, Ellen, Julie, Naomi, Zoe, Kako, Riho, Fa (Gwendolyn), Leah, Celine, Kelly, Miranda, Isabelle, Isabel, Eliana, Sophia F, Sophe R, Maddy D, Tyann, Alyssa, Galina, Rebecca M, Stephanie, Sophie R, Jia, Hancie, Dalia, Dayna, Daria, Jocelyn, Marietta, Sofia, Keely, Lauren, Ivy May, Mia, Annie, Sam, Imani, Caitlin, Sibel, and Charlotte. I think I have more friends in 2007 not 2006. They are very nice. See how many Sophie? One is Sophia and one is Sophe.
8th part (last part of 2007)
Last day of camp on August 19, 2007. I read one mail in early Aug 2007 that mom wrote that I can go to my 3rd cousin’s first birthday in Aug 20, that is one day before last day of camp. I think I cried on last day of camp, some are cried too. Daddy pick me up so late after 1230pm, I already ate some lunch at camp then dad pick me up. We went to somewhere then eat TGIF, I ate something like Fajita but I was sure I ate kind of taco. I wore my jean or shorts and blue jacket on last day. Then we to Manchester Airport then home at 1130pm or 12am.
1st part (2008)
In late Jan or early Feb 2008, I heard about WMI, I was so excited and eager that I going to camp again. I could not wait for go to outside of PA twice because I went to Minnesota, just 1 ½ weeks before WMI. I was so excited. Camp start in July 26. Few days before camp, I was excited packing my clothes in my big suitcase. I can remember 2008 very well. Anyway, On July 26, I had to wake up at 4am but I hate it. I slept in my yellow tank top and blue bermande short on 25th. We left at 430am. I was all wide wake and outside is not that cold and I wear my tank top. I think I took nap in car but I did for like 10 min then look at outside. We went to Pitts Airport! We ate breakfast then airplane is departure at 715am or something. We went to Philly Airport for like 38 min? one hour? We played some crosswords game then in Philly, we wait and sit in airplane seat for like 30 minutes and we played 3 crosswords in 30 minutes.
2nd part
Airplane leave again to Manchester. Then we are little bit early for go camp so we went to eat lunch at Ruby Tuesday, we shared shrimps things, some are spicy. Then we drive to there. Soon as he left, I start talked to friend and play outside for 3 ½ hours then supper. Then we went to dorm Hilton. My counselors name- Alex and Jackie. Dormmate name- Abby, Naomi, Leah, and Lexi. But Naomi come back in 2 weeks and she just put suitcase in dorm and go to home and back on Aug 8th. Some my friends are excited to see me again. Kako was excited too she just stand there and “surprise face” and hugged me. I met some new staffs. They are nice too!
3rd part
Deaf plus is “okay” but staffs are nice. Their name- Joe-Joe, Clayton, and Jackie. Deaf kids- some are same. Rebbi, Dovondon, Ivan, Satchen, Alex (boy), Carlos, and Lexus. I not really like them. But some are funny. We went to “Beach” again but we ate smores that all. Some kids added mms in the smores so I do too and some kids can scoop mms and eat it. Night Activies was still fun. I love Capture the Flag still oh yeah and Small living unit (mean 3 groups- Dorms, cabins, and Tents go their group, I go with Dorms groups), we had a spa party, it was fun. We had to dress our counselor to show off the dorms girls and we ate 2-3 times smores! I told interpreter to tell girls, if they would like have name sign. Everyone ask me same time at once and I given them signs too. They seem like to have sign name.
4th part
Dunny Day again! I love it so much! I swim there and cook-out. We got a lot of ice cream in one month, like 2-4 times a week. I remember one day dinner then dessert had ice cream then next day for dinner it was ice cream too! I thought it is cool. I had a very good time at the lake. At first I got Arc 3 then class and I passed and got Arc 4 then class and I passed and got Arc 5. I was proud to be in Arc 5, only two of us got passed to Arc 5. That why other refused to jump one more and they still in Arc 4. I did jumped one more.
5th part
I swam ONE triangle in the lake. I like do it. Middle of lake was sooooo cold but I had to swim in cold water. One class I love very much- AAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That had two teams in lake so each two teams try to push/flip the boat like white team flip other green team and win. I was in white team. I thought it was so fun to do that! We use canoe. It is little bit heavy to flip our canoe upside again but it is still fun. They can rock, push, flip, and pull canoe boat to upside. It is limited 40 kids but it is really 48 kids! I think I took a lot of water classes. I love to swim in the lake!
6th part
I went to abonded Graveyard that next by to Soccer Field and about 0.1 miles from Tennis Field. I went there five times with staff and friends. I like it a lot. I saw many many wood gravestones. I did told you before but I like it anyway. My favorite food in 2008 is um chicken patties (haha), Hungarian Dessert- Dumpling with vanilla pudding, and Beef thing. Oh yeah one time in Beach with deaf plus, we saw firework! What the? It is too late to have firework in early August but it is cool! I read Harry Potter 7, chapter 13 to 36 in a week (July 26 to August 6), it is very cool! I can’t imitate it is over 700 pages! It is sure thick book! Heh. I really read chapter one to 13 during school year and never read it until July 26.
7th part
Friends- same kids and some new kids, they are nice.
Abby, Lexi, Leah, Lexus, Naomi, Rachel K, Sophie R, Kako, Riho, Ellen, Julia, Liz, Dayna, Delia, Daria, Miranda, Sam, Kelly, Stephanie, Zoe A, Sophie K, Celine, Tyann, Mikela, Delaney, Fa (Gwendolyn), Acacia, Lucy, Olivia, Natalia, Noami L, Rebecca, Carlotta, Maddie, Lizzie, Zoe M, Haley, Olivia, Makaela, Divine, Denzil (girl), Sarah M, Marietta, Jocelyn, Hannah, Cassie, and Dayna.
8th part (last part of 2008)
Theatre Fest was Pretty cool but my butt is stiff and hurt from sitting on wood little stool for like an hour. That show name is Wizard of OZ but some are additional. I heard that Diamond Acre is burned down in winter 2008 (like Jan or Feb), so some kids and I had go to High Tide, it is nice. I got Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. Last day of camp a lot kids and I cried and hugged each another. I think Dad pick me at 10am or so. So we went to Mall because airplane did not start at 4pm or 5pm. We ate lunch um. Oh yeah Japanese resturant. We share a big plate of delicious rice and chicken oh yeah egg rolls. Then we look around stores then went to L.L. Bean then went to Manchester Airport. We arrived home like 11pm but I not remember but it is late night.
Andy Upton Paul and Paula Bunyan Day
Andy Upton race in 2006, We run five miles to ice cream. I not remember what I got! I even still have Andy Upton Shirt, it is pretty fit me now.
Paul and Paula Bunyan day in 2007 and 2008 are fun. On morning (in 2007 and 2008) one staff, I think it was Travis or Tom go to each cabins and dorms and tents and condos so he turn on saw machine on and make kids wake up and I thought it was cool. Last summer, we not allowed to use silverwares to eat breakfast. We had USE our hands to eat. We had to use hands for scoop in cereal and yogurt.
There is a farm in camp. 2006- I think it was two bunnies and one sheep.
2007- two cowardly goats? And cowardly 2 bunnies.
2008- I went there a lot. Two goats, 2 bunnies, and 2 chickens. I held two chickens (they are not peck at all) and one bunny. We allow to get leaves from tree to feed goats. One goat like to petted. Other is not like to get petted. But they are stubborn to walk!
2008- Goats- Deliah and Lila. Lila is very friendly and I loves her. Deliah is okay but get walk away when people tried pet but she can get leaves from them. Chickens- Clickers? And other. They are so cute. Bunnies- I compelety forget their name!
Chickens can climb on long caged fence and can escape but not that far from farm.
Wild Animals in campsite
Bears! Just kidding.
Things that I brought in camp store.
2006- Blue Crazy Creek Chair! Stuffed Tiger!
2007- I not sure but I got mini stuffed cow.
2008- I got beanie hat (blue) but not know where it is and I hope I not lost it. And cutest teddy bear! I love that one.
Arts that I made
Stained Glass in 2006 and 2008.
Mosiac in 2007
Mud slides (clay) in 2007
Nine patch sew in 2008
Bakik in 2006 but I lost it.
July session- hot but little cold. Just in 80s
Aug session- hot, warm, and cold. Rained a lot. But in 2008, Aug 10, 11, 12, rained in 3 days row!
But most time sunny.
Morning- always COLD. Midday- not bad. Nights- depend but it is between cold and mild.
WMI favorite camp song!
Kids and staffs sing and sign same time when we do sing a song!
Crazy story
Staffs tell kids that there a story about Bollywagger. It is not true. But I going tell you a story.
Long time ago, two men work under ground and dirt fell in hole. They hungry and waiting for people come and help. One man eat other man alive and he became wild and his eyes became blind and white when he came out of hole and EAT all the people. I not remember what next but it is not real but some younger kids are scared. Bollywagger is a dead man who eat people alive!!! ALIVE.
6:45am wake up if had KP.
7am wake up
745am breakfast
815am clean up in your cabin
900am morning meeting
10am period
1045am snack
11am period 2
1230pm lunch
100pm siesta (rest
2pm period 3
3pm snack
315pm period 4
430pm free time
530pm dinner
700pm night activies
900pm brush teeth, pj, and stay in the dorm
10pm sleep or read book
1030pm light off
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Thank for watch it!
Windsor Mountain International Summer Camp (WMI)
It is about my favorite camp.
Memories at WMI.
History of WMI.
WMI is locate in Windsor, New Hampshire. But It is originally in Hillsboro, NH.
Before 1961, there is a lot of space in that campsite. There is where people settled and live there. A cemetery was there, it is abandoned cemetery.
On June 1, 1961, Richard Herman founded that camp. He bought 1000 acres land.
He named it “Windsor Mountain Interlocken”. later, Interlocken change to International.
In 1999, there is a first deaf program in WMI.
My first time in WMI, 1st part
In Jan or Feb 2006. My mom looked in google and search for deaf camp. So she found WMI and apply it for me. She signed on paper- July session for a month (3 ½ wks)
At first, I was nervous for go to new camp. I told my parents that “I would have homesick” but it never happed. I was only 13 ½ years old. I went in late June to middle of July. I was little nervous as we come to there. I remember we tried buy ticket paper that we go to NYC but we missed flight so we get to Philly (Philadelphia), then go to Boston, Mass. I looked at WMI papers. I was little anxious and little excited for go to camp.
2nd part.
As we enter the camp but we went wrong direction, We went to right road but it is not camp. So we drive back and went to left road. I met staffs, I think I was nervous and little bit grin at new people. I get shy at first but like 1-2 hours later, I was not shy. We went to Tree house “Dorms” and Goldrush is my first dorm. I thought it was name “Goldrush” because of they found gold under the dorm. But it is not true but maybe. As parents left and I walking around big deck and met some kids. I not remember part of it. But I try to remember. I met my first counselor, Lizzie. And dorm mate girls name- Lila, Celeste, Selena, they are hearing. One deaf name is Sara. They are nice. At first, I not know which one is.
3rd part
Next day, We had to do 3 things. We do Swim test, Lice check, and Tennis test. I got arc 3. I swam in cold lake but I jumped in and it is cold then little bit later, it is not really cold. It is fine. Anyway, I was surprise that food was amazing and really delicious. I did not know that two groups (each groups take turn to work in kitchen everyday) work in kitchen party (KP) and they wash dishes, cups, trays, silverwares, and put them in big box and put it in machine, one kid watch it heat and dry then kids do runner and get box (really steamy and hot as out) and put it away in the dining hall. We do twice in a month. My favorite food in 2006- I not remember but I like chicken patties (extremely good). Campers not allowed to drink coffee. But at breakfast, we allowed to drink hot cocoa. Hot tea for just breakfast and any day, when it is rain or very cold day.
4th part
I met deaf counselors and campers. But I not really like deaf campers. But they are okay. The deaf counselors name- Ruthie, Caroline, JB, and Ruben (not Reuben, that is sandwich).
Deaf campers- they are okay. Laura, Esther, Esther, Idy (Adele), Sara, Rebecca, Fangen, and Jack. I not really like them because they support Yankees, Giants, and Patriots (BOO THEY ARE CHEAT ON STEELERS) and I am only one who support Pirates and Steelers.They seem not say anything about Steelers maybe they not like it. WHO cares? Steelers is best team. One of them said NY Giants is best, I disagree and I told her that Pirates is best…so what?
5th part
I have many good classes. I love night actives. My favorite night actives is CAPTURE THE FLAG! I thought it was so fun! Deaf plus actives is ok but I like 3 days trip. Deaf plus went on trip for 3 days. Actually 2 nights, 3 days. We went to Vermont. We went to deaf school- Austine School for the Deaf, there is very, very small school, just had 1-2 building and two floors. I tried not to laugh but I told them that school had red bricks like my school’s red bricks. We decide walk little further from that school. We ran down HUGE hill. I like but it is ok. Very steep but not cliff. Just grassy hill. We went to farm in Vermont? Or Boston. We met some animals. We use wool something that make spinning from sheep’s wool coat. Oh yeah we went to Llama farm. Llamas are nice but some are scared and some like to petted by kids.
6th part
We went to Boston old historic tour, I love it very much. I like walk and saw Paul Reeve’s cabin or other man’s cabin but I not remember. We went to somewhere but still in Mass and went to lake but I did not swim and just sit on rock and look at them. Some kids not swim and just sit on rock. We went to forest and sleep in forest. I think I like or not but I not remember. We ate smores or hotdog. I not remember part of it. Sorry, It is three years ago.
7th part
We went to back to WMI. Most kids are excited to see us. I usual get around with dorm girls and some tent girls. Fork Fest, I not like it. I had to play in the play but I not remember what it is called. But I like eat brunch. There many families came. Some kids and I had a good time. 4-5 staffs and 1-2 interpreters took us to Diamond Acre Ice Cream! I think I got Rocky Road Ice Cream. We played on swing set for little bit. Then we went to back to the camp. I not know what we doing in end of day.
8th part (last part of 2006)
We had Dunny Day, I love it veryyyy much. We had swim in lake ALL afternoon! I not remember well in 2006. I have friends. Their name- Lila, Selena, Celeste, Sarah, Elsa, Isabella, Gabriela, Clara, Rachel, Sara, Idy, Rebecca, Gyulnara, Sophie L, Isabelle, Carolyn, Lexi, Emily S, Margot, Kasey, Julie, Augusta, Clara O, Simone, Annie, Keturah, Taylor, Alexa, Ami (Mia), Katie, Maddy, Hannah, Alyssa, Margaret, Liz, Olivia, Kirstine, Hope, and Colette. I had in touch with some because I had their facebook and emails. I recently wrote mail to my 3 friends- Gyulnara, Sophie, and Simone while they are in camp. I got yearbook (2006) I was look at August Session, I thought it had a deaf plus in Aug session but wrong. Now yearbook was old and torn some papers. At end of week, I loved camp VERY much. I not sure if I cried on last day of school and I was hoping I can go back to camp next summer.
1st part (2007)
Soon after Jan 2007, I saw WMI paper said Deaf Plus moved to Aug Session, I was little puzzled but happier that I can come back to camp again. It start in July 25, 2007. I was excited to go! I went to WPSD camp for a week then break at home for a while then go to WMI. I went to airplane with daddy. We went to Pitts airport then NY? Or Philly? Then Manchester, NH. I like Manchester airport, it is very nice place. Then we had to eat lunch. We went to Corner something in Concord, NH. I ate French bread sandwich, it is really good. I ate half because it is big I think or full from eat. Then we went to WMI. I was excited but I notice there many many new faces and not have same people from 2006. My dorm was Hilton. My counselor name is Megan. My dormmate are Isabelle, Sam, Miranda, Eliana, and Kelly.
2nd part
I asked Elle about where is people from 2006, she said They are not coming. I like new deaf people, they are nice. I played outside on the deck for like 2 or 3 hours. I talked new friends quickly. I met a lot new faces, they are very very nice. I met new nice friends, who from Japan. Their name are Kako and Riho Ito. They stay camp for 2 months. I had first Japanese friends! I think 2007 had more countries kids than 2006. They are nice. I like my counselor. She know sign too. My favorite food in 2007 is Chicken Patties again heh, it is best and I not know why I like it so all kids loveee it too! I get Arc 3. Oh well. I was good swimmer now. Anyway, I like deaf plus. Deaf staffs name- Joe-Joe, David, um I not remember other. Sorry…. Deaf kids- Laura, Riley, Dovondon, Rebbi (England), Ivan, and Satchen. Ivan and Satchen are cute but they are too funny and make people laugh. They are just ten years old.
3rd part
I like new counselors well some are from 2006. I learn kayak very first time, I like it very much. I thought that boat will tipped off but had to be balanced when turn it. I like it a lot. I do it myself learn but interpreter just said just use oars to paddle it. I knew what is kayak oars look like, it had two paddle on ends. I did canoe too, I learned before like age 8 or 9 but I not remember where I learned to how do canoe. But I like canoe a lot! I love night actives still, my favorite is capture the flag still, it was so much fun to play game. I love it. All kids love it. We love it too! I glad I have good time with friends in Aug session. I like Aug session than July session but I do like my friends from 2006. I was 14 ½ years old in 2007.
4th part
Deaf plus was pretty good but I don’t really like some kids. There no Deaf Plus trips because it is not fair to other hearing kids not going trips. So I am fine with that problem. I think I took art classes and other classes a lot. I met little ones but I met one in 2006. They are so cute. Their name- Miriam, Amri, and Vidalia. They are under four. I met Miriam in 2006, she’s little bit crybaby but still cute. Vidalia is so cute, I played with her almost everyday. She is one years old and likes eat any breads. Once I played with her in her parents’ little apartment which is in 2nd floor in HMO (Nurse office) and they let me fed her a supper. She is very patented baby and not really cry, if she fell and she did not cry. She is brave baby! Amri is cute but wild little Jamaican boy. He is about 3. He had cute curly (in braid) hair and likes to dance and usually carry around with his little blue stuffed dog, it was named Spunky but he cant say SP so he call it Funky.
5th part
They have Dunny Day too! I love it too. I had my purple jacket and they sprayed it back of jacket- it said- Where were you on Dunny Day 2007 but I not know where is it now. Anyway, soon after Dunny Day afternoon, they had song-a-along in campfire so deaf plus going to “Beach” but it is big lake. We had sandwiches and smores. I remember one interpreter’s old dog ate one staff’s whole one sandwich, we tries stop him but he ate all. I thought it was funny.
6th part
Theatre Fest! I like it a lot. I was in the show. The show name is Rocks, Papers, and Scissors, I think but it is right. I was paper. We had a lot good time. Some kids and I had go to ice cream place again. I think I got Moose Track. I never had it one before but it is good and it is little bit vision of Rocky Road but hard to explain about how they look apart. We play on the swing set again but we play tag. I had a lot fun. Anyway, end of day, I think we play Capture the Flag. Anyway, I like Theatre Fest than that bored old Folk Fest.
7th part
Here is my friends, I keep in touch with them because they have email and facebook too! Their name- Abby, Rachel K, Ella, Madeline, Kasey (not 2006), Fiona, Fanny, Ellen, Julie, Naomi, Zoe, Kako, Riho, Fa (Gwendolyn), Leah, Celine, Kelly, Miranda, Isabelle, Isabel, Eliana, Sophia F, Sophe R, Maddy D, Tyann, Alyssa, Galina, Rebecca M, Stephanie, Sophie R, Jia, Hancie, Dalia, Dayna, Daria, Jocelyn, Marietta, Sofia, Keely, Lauren, Ivy May, Mia, Annie, Sam, Imani, Caitlin, Sibel, and Charlotte. I think I have more friends in 2007 not 2006. They are very nice. See how many Sophie? One is Sophia and one is Sophe.
8th part (last part of 2007)
Last day of camp on August 19, 2007. I read one mail in early Aug 2007 that mom wrote that I can go to my 3rd cousin’s first birthday in Aug 20, that is one day before last day of camp. I think I cried on last day of camp, some are cried too. Daddy pick me up so late after 1230pm, I already ate some lunch at camp then dad pick me up. We went to somewhere then eat TGIF, I ate something like Fajita but I was sure I ate kind of taco. I wore my jean or shorts and blue jacket on last day. Then we to Manchester Airport then home at 1130pm or 12am.
1st part (2008)
In late Jan or early Feb 2008, I heard about WMI, I was so excited and eager that I going to camp again. I could not wait for go to outside of PA twice because I went to Minnesota, just 1 ½ weeks before WMI. I was so excited. Camp start in July 26. Few days before camp, I was excited packing my clothes in my big suitcase. I can remember 2008 very well. Anyway, On July 26, I had to wake up at 4am but I hate it. I slept in my yellow tank top and blue bermande short on 25th. We left at 430am. I was all wide wake and outside is not that cold and I wear my tank top. I think I took nap in car but I did for like 10 min then look at outside. We went to Pitts Airport! We ate breakfast then airplane is departure at 715am or something. We went to Philly Airport for like 38 min? one hour? We played some crosswords game then in Philly, we wait and sit in airplane seat for like 30 minutes and we played 3 crosswords in 30 minutes.
2nd part
Airplane leave again to Manchester. Then we are little bit early for go camp so we went to eat lunch at Ruby Tuesday, we shared shrimps things, some are spicy. Then we drive to there. Soon as he left, I start talked to friend and play outside for 3 ½ hours then supper. Then we went to dorm Hilton. My counselors name- Alex and Jackie. Dormmate name- Abby, Naomi, Leah, and Lexi. But Naomi come back in 2 weeks and she just put suitcase in dorm and go to home and back on Aug 8th. Some my friends are excited to see me again. Kako was excited too she just stand there and “surprise face” and hugged me. I met some new staffs. They are nice too!
3rd part
Deaf plus is “okay” but staffs are nice. Their name- Joe-Joe, Clayton, and Jackie. Deaf kids- some are same. Rebbi, Dovondon, Ivan, Satchen, Alex (boy), Carlos, and Lexus. I not really like them. But some are funny. We went to “Beach” again but we ate smores that all. Some kids added mms in the smores so I do too and some kids can scoop mms and eat it. Night Activies was still fun. I love Capture the Flag still oh yeah and Small living unit (mean 3 groups- Dorms, cabins, and Tents go their group, I go with Dorms groups), we had a spa party, it was fun. We had to dress our counselor to show off the dorms girls and we ate 2-3 times smores! I told interpreter to tell girls, if they would like have name sign. Everyone ask me same time at once and I given them signs too. They seem like to have sign name.
4th part
Dunny Day again! I love it so much! I swim there and cook-out. We got a lot of ice cream in one month, like 2-4 times a week. I remember one day dinner then dessert had ice cream then next day for dinner it was ice cream too! I thought it is cool. I had a very good time at the lake. At first I got Arc 3 then class and I passed and got Arc 4 then class and I passed and got Arc 5. I was proud to be in Arc 5, only two of us got passed to Arc 5. That why other refused to jump one more and they still in Arc 4. I did jumped one more.
5th part
I swam ONE triangle in the lake. I like do it. Middle of lake was sooooo cold but I had to swim in cold water. One class I love very much- AAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That had two teams in lake so each two teams try to push/flip the boat like white team flip other green team and win. I was in white team. I thought it was so fun to do that! We use canoe. It is little bit heavy to flip our canoe upside again but it is still fun. They can rock, push, flip, and pull canoe boat to upside. It is limited 40 kids but it is really 48 kids! I think I took a lot of water classes. I love to swim in the lake!
6th part
I went to abonded Graveyard that next by to Soccer Field and about 0.1 miles from Tennis Field. I went there five times with staff and friends. I like it a lot. I saw many many wood gravestones. I did told you before but I like it anyway. My favorite food in 2008 is um chicken patties (haha), Hungarian Dessert- Dumpling with vanilla pudding, and Beef thing. Oh yeah one time in Beach with deaf plus, we saw firework! What the? It is too late to have firework in early August but it is cool! I read Harry Potter 7, chapter 13 to 36 in a week (July 26 to August 6), it is very cool! I can’t imitate it is over 700 pages! It is sure thick book! Heh. I really read chapter one to 13 during school year and never read it until July 26.
7th part
Friends- same kids and some new kids, they are nice.
Abby, Lexi, Leah, Lexus, Naomi, Rachel K, Sophie R, Kako, Riho, Ellen, Julia, Liz, Dayna, Delia, Daria, Miranda, Sam, Kelly, Stephanie, Zoe A, Sophie K, Celine, Tyann, Mikela, Delaney, Fa (Gwendolyn), Acacia, Lucy, Olivia, Natalia, Noami L, Rebecca, Carlotta, Maddie, Lizzie, Zoe M, Haley, Olivia, Makaela, Divine, Denzil (girl), Sarah M, Marietta, Jocelyn, Hannah, Cassie, and Dayna.
8th part (last part of 2008)
Theatre Fest was Pretty cool but my butt is stiff and hurt from sitting on wood little stool for like an hour. That show name is Wizard of OZ but some are additional. I heard that Diamond Acre is burned down in winter 2008 (like Jan or Feb), so some kids and I had go to High Tide, it is nice. I got Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. Last day of camp a lot kids and I cried and hugged each another. I think Dad pick me at 10am or so. So we went to Mall because airplane did not start at 4pm or 5pm. We ate lunch um. Oh yeah Japanese resturant. We share a big plate of delicious rice and chicken oh yeah egg rolls. Then we look around stores then went to L.L. Bean then went to Manchester Airport. We arrived home like 11pm but I not remember but it is late night.
Andy Upton Paul and Paula Bunyan Day
Andy Upton race in 2006, We run five miles to ice cream. I not remember what I got! I even still have Andy Upton Shirt, it is pretty fit me now.
Paul and Paula Bunyan day in 2007 and 2008 are fun. On morning (in 2007 and 2008) one staff, I think it was Travis or Tom go to each cabins and dorms and tents and condos so he turn on saw machine on and make kids wake up and I thought it was cool. Last summer, we not allowed to use silverwares to eat breakfast. We had USE our hands to eat. We had to use hands for scoop in cereal and yogurt.
There is a farm in camp. 2006- I think it was two bunnies and one sheep.
2007- two cowardly goats? And cowardly 2 bunnies.
2008- I went there a lot. Two goats, 2 bunnies, and 2 chickens. I held two chickens (they are not peck at all) and one bunny. We allow to get leaves from tree to feed goats. One goat like to petted. Other is not like to get petted. But they are stubborn to walk!
2008- Goats- Deliah and Lila. Lila is very friendly and I loves her. Deliah is okay but get walk away when people tried pet but she can get leaves from them. Chickens- Clickers? And other. They are so cute. Bunnies- I compelety forget their name!
Chickens can climb on long caged fence and can escape but not that far from farm.
Wild Animals in campsite
Bears! Just kidding.
Things that I brought in camp store.
2006- Blue Crazy Creek Chair! Stuffed Tiger!
2007- I not sure but I got mini stuffed cow.
2008- I got beanie hat (blue) but not know where it is and I hope I not lost it. And cutest teddy bear! I love that one.
Arts that I made
Stained Glass in 2006 and 2008.
Mosiac in 2007
Mud slides (clay) in 2007
Nine patch sew in 2008
Bakik in 2006 but I lost it.
July session- hot but little cold. Just in 80s
Aug session- hot, warm, and cold. Rained a lot. But in 2008, Aug 10, 11, 12, rained in 3 days row!
But most time sunny.
Morning- always COLD. Midday- not bad. Nights- depend but it is between cold and mild.
WMI favorite camp song!
Kids and staffs sing and sign same time when we do sing a song!
Crazy story
Staffs tell kids that there a story about Bollywagger. It is not true. But I going tell you a story.
Long time ago, two men work under ground and dirt fell in hole. They hungry and waiting for people come and help. One man eat other man alive and he became wild and his eyes became blind and white when he came out of hole and EAT all the people. I not remember what next but it is not real but some younger kids are scared. Bollywagger is a dead man who eat people alive!!! ALIVE.
6:45am wake up if had KP.
7am wake up
745am breakfast
815am clean up in your cabin
900am morning meeting
10am period
1045am snack
11am period 2
1230pm lunch
100pm siesta (rest
2pm period 3
3pm snack
315pm period 4
430pm free time
530pm dinner
700pm night activies
900pm brush teeth, pj, and stay in the dorm
10pm sleep or read book
1030pm light off
Do you like it?
Thank for watch it!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My experience about Florida.
It is about my first trip to Florida, Visit St Augustine, and many other.
Year- 2001, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.
On April 2001, I was 8 1/2 years old. My grandfather gave us tickets for go to Disney World! I never went on airplane before. This is my first time ride in airplane at age 8 1/2! Anyway, I remember I was really excited to go!
So, we went in airplane. I sat with my sis ( I think) and I look at window. We sat in FIRST CLASS. When we are in sky. My ear was pain. It's pops every few mins. We arrive at Orlando Airport. We went to bus to All Star Resort. We went to all parks. I remember one day, my dad and I went to Animal Kingdom while mom and sister went to stores. I went to some rides because I am too short. I didn't ride Big Thunder Railroad Roller Coaster because it must be 48 inches tall. I think I was 42 inches tall. (in 2005, I was upset because school nurse said that I am 3'11 and I had a growth hormone for grow. I got in July 2005 then stop use in Sept 2008 because I already 5'1...Now 5'1 1/2)
Then 2006, Dad, Mom, and I went to Disney World in April 2006! It was pretty fun. I not remember that much. But I remember I made paper hat and I not remember where I put, I think I threw it away at home. I did rode on Big Thunder Railroad Roller Coaster!!!!!!!!!!!
On Nov 2006, We went to visit Allie and see her brand-new apartment. Mom, Allie, and I went to Kissimmee (about an hour from Orlando) and buy new stuff for Allie's. Dad is driving mover truck to here from Pittsburgh. I remember that day when he arrive here.
I was so young in 2006. I am little shorter than Allie and Mom. I think I was 4'9. Then Nov 2007, we went to see Allie and her 2nd new house (apartment) and meet her new puppy, Huey. I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!! Huey is soo cute and really tiny. Now, he is almost 3 years old. I went to Universal Studio. Allie cut my hair. It is chin. Now, it is so long. I didn't have haircut since May 2009. Haha, now it is 17 1/2 inches long.
Anyway...On May 2008, we went to see Allie again and went to Cocoa Beach. That was my first time went to Beach at age 15 1/2. I like there. Now I really love beach. On March 2009, we drove all way to Jacksonville, Saint Augustine, and Orlando. We are visit Sheila. I remember we walked with her around St Augustine. I really like O.C. White and walked on long stone sidewalk near river. I like that old house that where she use it. And she gave me a white starfish and stil have it.
On March 9, we are visit FSDB. We slept at hotel that next to FSDB. We went there with man who "tour" us to the school. Some kids told me they saw me but I not remember. I remember some teachers that I already met and now they are my teachers. So, we went to Orlando again. In 2006, 2008, and 2009, we slept at Pop Century Resort. It is my favorite hotel ever!
Anyway, we stay in Florida for 8 days. We slept at regular hotel (can't remember of name...It is not Disney Hotel) and I remember I got sunburn on chest and face when I swam in hotel pool. It was "V" shape sunburn.
On May 31, 2009, we drove to Saint Augustine. We stay at small condo for nearly 6 month. I remember it. We went to Sea World in June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec! Soon this week. We went to Disney World recently few days ago and will go to there again soon this week. I really love Florida.
FLORIDA FACTS. I just know a little.
FLORIDA in spanish mean Easter Flower. Because they settled on Easter day.
Saint Augustine was founded in 1565 by Juan Ponce de Leon. Now a highway name is Ponce de Leon Highway.
Football teams-- Jacksonville Jaugars, Miami Dolphins, and other one.
College Football- Florida Gators.
Basketball- Orlando Magic and Miami Heats.
Click on Florida website and learn more about Florida.
I just learn about Saint Augustine. I like cities in Florida so far--St Augustine and Orlando.
I'll tell you about Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Minnesota too.
It is about my first trip to Florida, Visit St Augustine, and many other.
Year- 2001, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.
On April 2001, I was 8 1/2 years old. My grandfather gave us tickets for go to Disney World! I never went on airplane before. This is my first time ride in airplane at age 8 1/2! Anyway, I remember I was really excited to go!
So, we went in airplane. I sat with my sis ( I think) and I look at window. We sat in FIRST CLASS. When we are in sky. My ear was pain. It's pops every few mins. We arrive at Orlando Airport. We went to bus to All Star Resort. We went to all parks. I remember one day, my dad and I went to Animal Kingdom while mom and sister went to stores. I went to some rides because I am too short. I didn't ride Big Thunder Railroad Roller Coaster because it must be 48 inches tall. I think I was 42 inches tall. (in 2005, I was upset because school nurse said that I am 3'11 and I had a growth hormone for grow. I got in July 2005 then stop use in Sept 2008 because I already 5'1...Now 5'1 1/2)
Then 2006, Dad, Mom, and I went to Disney World in April 2006! It was pretty fun. I not remember that much. But I remember I made paper hat and I not remember where I put, I think I threw it away at home. I did rode on Big Thunder Railroad Roller Coaster!!!!!!!!!!!
On Nov 2006, We went to visit Allie and see her brand-new apartment. Mom, Allie, and I went to Kissimmee (about an hour from Orlando) and buy new stuff for Allie's. Dad is driving mover truck to here from Pittsburgh. I remember that day when he arrive here.
I was so young in 2006. I am little shorter than Allie and Mom. I think I was 4'9. Then Nov 2007, we went to see Allie and her 2nd new house (apartment) and meet her new puppy, Huey. I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!! Huey is soo cute and really tiny. Now, he is almost 3 years old. I went to Universal Studio. Allie cut my hair. It is chin. Now, it is so long. I didn't have haircut since May 2009. Haha, now it is 17 1/2 inches long.
Anyway...On May 2008, we went to see Allie again and went to Cocoa Beach. That was my first time went to Beach at age 15 1/2. I like there. Now I really love beach. On March 2009, we drove all way to Jacksonville, Saint Augustine, and Orlando. We are visit Sheila. I remember we walked with her around St Augustine. I really like O.C. White and walked on long stone sidewalk near river. I like that old house that where she use it. And she gave me a white starfish and stil have it.
On March 9, we are visit FSDB. We slept at hotel that next to FSDB. We went there with man who "tour" us to the school. Some kids told me they saw me but I not remember. I remember some teachers that I already met and now they are my teachers. So, we went to Orlando again. In 2006, 2008, and 2009, we slept at Pop Century Resort. It is my favorite hotel ever!
Anyway, we stay in Florida for 8 days. We slept at regular hotel (can't remember of name...It is not Disney Hotel) and I remember I got sunburn on chest and face when I swam in hotel pool. It was "V" shape sunburn.
On May 31, 2009, we drove to Saint Augustine. We stay at small condo for nearly 6 month. I remember it. We went to Sea World in June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec! Soon this week. We went to Disney World recently few days ago and will go to there again soon this week. I really love Florida.
FLORIDA FACTS. I just know a little.
FLORIDA in spanish mean Easter Flower. Because they settled on Easter day.
Saint Augustine was founded in 1565 by Juan Ponce de Leon. Now a highway name is Ponce de Leon Highway.
Football teams-- Jacksonville Jaugars, Miami Dolphins, and other one.
College Football- Florida Gators.
Basketball- Orlando Magic and Miami Heats.
Click on Florida website and learn more about Florida.
I just learn about Saint Augustine. I like cities in Florida so far--St Augustine and Orlando.
I'll tell you about Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Minnesota too.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Questions and Answers
The questions from Lindsay Ann. Here is my answers.
What is your favorite Disney Character? I like Chip, Dale, Mickey, and Pluto.
What is your favorite Disney ride? Big Thunder Railroad Roller Coaster.
What is your favorite Disney Restaurant? Chef Mickey's.
What is your favorite Disney hotel? Pop Century Resort.
Thank you for ask me. I really love Magic Kingdom.
What is your favorite Disney Character? I like Chip, Dale, Mickey, and Pluto.
What is your favorite Disney ride? Big Thunder Railroad Roller Coaster.
What is your favorite Disney Restaurant? Chef Mickey's.
What is your favorite Disney hotel? Pop Century Resort.
Thank you for ask me. I really love Magic Kingdom.
Friday, December 11, 2009
My favorites
Color- Red, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink.
Food- Taco.
Fruit- Peaches and Blackberries.
Vegetable- Corn, Broccoli, and Potato.
Animals- Dogs, Horses, Wolves, and Foxes. I love all animals.
Little House books- On Banks of the Plum Creek.
Little House TV episodes- Ma's Holiday and The Gift. I like 204 episodes.
Little House books character- Mary, Laura, and Carrie.
Little House TV characters- Mary and Laura. I still like Carrie and Grace.
Cookies- Oreo's, Chocolate chip, and Snickerdoodle.
Ice Cream flavor- Vanilla, French Vanilla, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Brownie, Hot Fudge Sundae, Green Mint chip, Cake Batter, and Cotton Candy.
TV shows- Little House, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and Suite Life on Deck.
Sports- Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Roller Blades, Ice Skate, and Football. I love all of sports!
Seasons- Summer and Autumn.
Actors- Michael Landon, Victor French, Matthew Labyorteaux, Dylan Sprouse, and Cole Sprouse.
Actresses- Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay & Sidney Greenbush, Ashley Tisdale, Brenda Song, Debby Ryan, and Vanessa Hudges.
Disney World parks- Magic Kingdom!
Marine animals- Seal, Sea Otter, Dolphin, and Whale.
Wild animals- Tigers, Lions, Wolves, and Foxes.
Dogs breed- German Shepherd, Mountain Barnese, Maltese, Pomeranian, Collie, and Rottweiller.
doing in St Augustine- Go to FSDB (haha), look at Fort (Castillo San Marco), and many others.
doing in Pittsburgh- Going to Kennywood.
doing in Orlando- Going to Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studio, and Visit Allie.
Number- 7.
doing in Beach- boogie board, jump into waves when it's go over me, and tan (haha)
doing in pool- swim and tan (haha)
Candy- Twix, Snickers, Milky Way, MMs, Hershey Bars, Kisses, and other chocolate candies haha.
Gummi/Gummy candy- Gummi Worms, Gummi Bears, and Peach rings.
Cereal- Honey Nut Cheerious, Lucky Charms, and Mini Shredded Wheats.
Doing in Walnut Grove, Minnesota- Look in Museum, waded in Plum Creek, and watch the pageant, it is greatest play ever I saw!
You can ask me questions, I will answer to you. You can ask me four questions.
Color- Red, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink.
Food- Taco.
Fruit- Peaches and Blackberries.
Vegetable- Corn, Broccoli, and Potato.
Animals- Dogs, Horses, Wolves, and Foxes. I love all animals.
Little House books- On Banks of the Plum Creek.
Little House TV episodes- Ma's Holiday and The Gift. I like 204 episodes.
Little House books character- Mary, Laura, and Carrie.
Little House TV characters- Mary and Laura. I still like Carrie and Grace.
Cookies- Oreo's, Chocolate chip, and Snickerdoodle.
Ice Cream flavor- Vanilla, French Vanilla, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Brownie, Hot Fudge Sundae, Green Mint chip, Cake Batter, and Cotton Candy.
TV shows- Little House, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and Suite Life on Deck.
Sports- Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Roller Blades, Ice Skate, and Football. I love all of sports!
Seasons- Summer and Autumn.
Actors- Michael Landon, Victor French, Matthew Labyorteaux, Dylan Sprouse, and Cole Sprouse.
Actresses- Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay & Sidney Greenbush, Ashley Tisdale, Brenda Song, Debby Ryan, and Vanessa Hudges.
Disney World parks- Magic Kingdom!
Marine animals- Seal, Sea Otter, Dolphin, and Whale.
Wild animals- Tigers, Lions, Wolves, and Foxes.
Dogs breed- German Shepherd, Mountain Barnese, Maltese, Pomeranian, Collie, and Rottweiller.
doing in St Augustine- Go to FSDB (haha), look at Fort (Castillo San Marco), and many others.
doing in Pittsburgh- Going to Kennywood.
doing in Orlando- Going to Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studio, and Visit Allie.
Number- 7.
doing in Beach- boogie board, jump into waves when it's go over me, and tan (haha)
doing in pool- swim and tan (haha)
Candy- Twix, Snickers, Milky Way, MMs, Hershey Bars, Kisses, and other chocolate candies haha.
Gummi/Gummy candy- Gummi Worms, Gummi Bears, and Peach rings.
Cereal- Honey Nut Cheerious, Lucky Charms, and Mini Shredded Wheats.
Doing in Walnut Grove, Minnesota- Look in Museum, waded in Plum Creek, and watch the pageant, it is greatest play ever I saw!
You can ask me questions, I will answer to you. You can ask me four questions.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tonsil/Adenoids surgery
Do you ever have tonsil/adenoids surgery before? I did. That was not great.
Here is my story.
On March or April 2007 in 7th grade. My doctor said that my throat was little bit swollen. So I had surgery. On May 21, 2007....We went to hospital at 530am (maybe little after 530am) and I change my clothes. At 7am, Doctors are ready to cut my tonsil and adenoids out. Then about 9am, I went back to room. I was sleeping for few min. Nurse gave me a orange popslice. I do not eat it...Just lick then put it in cup.
My mouth was so sore. I went to bathroom couple times but I couldn't then threw up
7 time (sorry) because medicine make me throw up. We stayed at hospital for 15 hours. That is so boring. At 11pm, we went to home. I not have a lot of energy. I stay on sofa a lot. I watch DVDs for little bit but I fell asleep heh. I not allowed to eat hot, spicy, hard, sharp, and citrus food. I had to eat same jell-O. I not allowed to drink milk for 2 days. I had to drink a lot of water.
Few days later, I start walk around little bit and use computer. I went to food store with grandma and bought ice cream me! I got Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream! I ate them for breakfast! Anyway, I got two mails from friends. One from school...It made me miss them. I was so mad. I say- I WANT GO TO SCHOOL. I WANT GO TO SCHOOL. Daddy and I went to Bruster Ice Cream store! I got Cake Batter but I not eat much, just few bites.
A week later, I not have great time. I think Saturday, I use computer and I eat purple (raspberry maybe) jell-O. I got spit out and I thought it was jell-O but it was blob of blood (Sorry again) and we had go to hospital then rode in ambulance (I never rode in ambulance, it is my first time) to other hospital. My throat's scabs are falling apart so they had to fix it. Stay at hospital for few hours (better than 15 hours)
Anyway, on June 5. My grandma took me to doctor appointment. Doctor said my throat is fine. I ask her when I can go school? She said Tomorrow (June 6, Wed) then I was so thrilled! Doctor said I had to be careful when eat but June 10, you can eat any food. Next day, my friends did not know that I come. They are so happy to see me. 7th grade students and me go to Subway (Restaurant) for lunch. I was not supposed to eat it but careful. Then June 8, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL.
Two weeks at home was NOT fun. It is so boring. I like to be at school. I still remember what happen two and half years ago!!!!!! I was in 7th grade, last year for high school because middle school start new (Aug 2007) and grade- 5-8. Then 9th grade go to High school again! Some people in my family have tonsil surgery too.
Here is my story.
On March or April 2007 in 7th grade. My doctor said that my throat was little bit swollen. So I had surgery. On May 21, 2007....We went to hospital at 530am (maybe little after 530am) and I change my clothes. At 7am, Doctors are ready to cut my tonsil and adenoids out. Then about 9am, I went back to room. I was sleeping for few min. Nurse gave me a orange popslice. I do not eat it...Just lick then put it in cup.
My mouth was so sore. I went to bathroom couple times but I couldn't then threw up
7 time (sorry) because medicine make me throw up. We stayed at hospital for 15 hours. That is so boring. At 11pm, we went to home. I not have a lot of energy. I stay on sofa a lot. I watch DVDs for little bit but I fell asleep heh. I not allowed to eat hot, spicy, hard, sharp, and citrus food. I had to eat same jell-O. I not allowed to drink milk for 2 days. I had to drink a lot of water.
Few days later, I start walk around little bit and use computer. I went to food store with grandma and bought ice cream me! I got Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream! I ate them for breakfast! Anyway, I got two mails from friends. One from school...It made me miss them. I was so mad. I say- I WANT GO TO SCHOOL. I WANT GO TO SCHOOL. Daddy and I went to Bruster Ice Cream store! I got Cake Batter but I not eat much, just few bites.
A week later, I not have great time. I think Saturday, I use computer and I eat purple (raspberry maybe) jell-O. I got spit out and I thought it was jell-O but it was blob of blood (Sorry again) and we had go to hospital then rode in ambulance (I never rode in ambulance, it is my first time) to other hospital. My throat's scabs are falling apart so they had to fix it. Stay at hospital for few hours (better than 15 hours)
Anyway, on June 5. My grandma took me to doctor appointment. Doctor said my throat is fine. I ask her when I can go school? She said Tomorrow (June 6, Wed) then I was so thrilled! Doctor said I had to be careful when eat but June 10, you can eat any food. Next day, my friends did not know that I come. They are so happy to see me. 7th grade students and me go to Subway (Restaurant) for lunch. I was not supposed to eat it but careful. Then June 8, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL.
Two weeks at home was NOT fun. It is so boring. I like to be at school. I still remember what happen two and half years ago!!!!!! I was in 7th grade, last year for high school because middle school start new (Aug 2007) and grade- 5-8. Then 9th grade go to High school again! Some people in my family have tonsil surgery too.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Washington DC Trip.
Hello! I am still here...I was so busy with school but I read your blogs sometime. I forget tell you about Washington DC trip.
I tell you now.
9th grade trip...Few kids not come because of 4 detenion halls. 13 kids who went.
I still remember it, 7 1/2 month ago!
On Sunday, March 29, 2009, I pack some clothes for trip. I stay school on Monday, March 30 for overnight. Some kids who are day-students stay at dorm for a night. I was happy for go to Washington DC again, I went there in Summer 2004 (only went for one day) with mommy and daddy. Anyway, We put our suitcases in dorm. We ate dinner then went to dorm. We talk then went to sleep.
Next day at 5:45am, we woke up. We went outside, meet staffs and kids at bus (Fancy bus with restroom and DVD players, like 6), outside is little chilly. We went in the bus. I sit alone. Most kids prefer sit alone because they can sleep on seat and their legs on other side of seat. So, Staff give us soda pop and snacks. At Breezewood, Pennsylvania (about two hours away from school), we eat at MCDONALDS :), I got McMuffin with egg and sauages (still remember what I got it haha)
Then we went to bus again. Two more hours later. We put our cellphones/Sidekicks in box (not allow use phone all day). We met the man (tourist leader) and eat lunch. Some got Subway. I think I got lunch from Subway. (Subway is a popular resturant that serve tasty 6 inches or 12 inches subs, flatbreads, salads, COOKIES, soda pop, and chips).
Then we went to museum. We saw Magna Carta (PAPER is signed in 1215 AD, Can't you believe that?! I was like wow! That is amazing to see oldest paper from year 1215)
Anyway, we walk then went to museums then went inside Capitol building then dinner then walk to WWII Memorial and Vietnam war memorial and Abraham Lincoln memorial, we walk up the steps and see giant statue of Lincoln then we went to hotel. We want go to pool but we arrived at 9:10pm and pool closed at 9pm.
We slept at 11pm then woke up at 6am. We ate breakfast at hotel then went to museum again then lunch at Subway then went to store. We walk to Federal Court building and see White House, it is so beautiful! We went to Arlington Cemetery. Then went to bus. We ate dinner at Golden Corral then arrive dorm so late at 11pm.
Next day, we are at school and eat breakfast then went to classes.
It was best memories of year! We love it. It was so fun. My back was so sore when I am standing but when I sit, it is fine because I not use brace for 2 days.
Quick Facts
Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush (Little House) went to Washington DC in Christmas 1978 with their parents and brother and stay at White House. They got meet President Mr. Carter but they not meet him but just met his daughter, Amy Carter. I will post it about them in other blog. Amy Carter is adorabled but twins are so cute!
My favorite part of Washington DC is anything.
I tell you now.
9th grade trip...Few kids not come because of 4 detenion halls. 13 kids who went.
I still remember it, 7 1/2 month ago!
On Sunday, March 29, 2009, I pack some clothes for trip. I stay school on Monday, March 30 for overnight. Some kids who are day-students stay at dorm for a night. I was happy for go to Washington DC again, I went there in Summer 2004 (only went for one day) with mommy and daddy. Anyway, We put our suitcases in dorm. We ate dinner then went to dorm. We talk then went to sleep.
Next day at 5:45am, we woke up. We went outside, meet staffs and kids at bus (Fancy bus with restroom and DVD players, like 6), outside is little chilly. We went in the bus. I sit alone. Most kids prefer sit alone because they can sleep on seat and their legs on other side of seat. So, Staff give us soda pop and snacks. At Breezewood, Pennsylvania (about two hours away from school), we eat at MCDONALDS :), I got McMuffin with egg and sauages (still remember what I got it haha)
Then we went to bus again. Two more hours later. We put our cellphones/Sidekicks in box (not allow use phone all day). We met the man (tourist leader) and eat lunch. Some got Subway. I think I got lunch from Subway. (Subway is a popular resturant that serve tasty 6 inches or 12 inches subs, flatbreads, salads, COOKIES, soda pop, and chips).
Then we went to museum. We saw Magna Carta (PAPER is signed in 1215 AD, Can't you believe that?! I was like wow! That is amazing to see oldest paper from year 1215)
Anyway, we walk then went to museums then went inside Capitol building then dinner then walk to WWII Memorial and Vietnam war memorial and Abraham Lincoln memorial, we walk up the steps and see giant statue of Lincoln then we went to hotel. We want go to pool but we arrived at 9:10pm and pool closed at 9pm.
We slept at 11pm then woke up at 6am. We ate breakfast at hotel then went to museum again then lunch at Subway then went to store. We walk to Federal Court building and see White House, it is so beautiful! We went to Arlington Cemetery. Then went to bus. We ate dinner at Golden Corral then arrive dorm so late at 11pm.
Next day, we are at school and eat breakfast then went to classes.
It was best memories of year! We love it. It was so fun. My back was so sore when I am standing but when I sit, it is fine because I not use brace for 2 days.
Quick Facts
Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush (Little House) went to Washington DC in Christmas 1978 with their parents and brother and stay at White House. They got meet President Mr. Carter but they not meet him but just met his daughter, Amy Carter. I will post it about them in other blog. Amy Carter is adorabled but twins are so cute!
My favorite part of Washington DC is anything.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mickey Mouse Shirt
I saw that shirt on Ebay...I did not know that shirt is from 1970s...But little different color.

I wear Mickey Mouse..But it is not from Ebay...My sister buy shirt in Disney Store. That picture is taken in March 2008.

Look at Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush (Carrie Ingalls)..Sidney wearing same Mickey Mouse Shirt. Aren't they adorable?

I wear Mickey Mouse..But it is not from Ebay...My sister buy shirt in Disney Store. That picture is taken in March 2008.
Look at Lindsay and Sidney Greenbush (Carrie Ingalls)..Sidney wearing same Mickey Mouse Shirt. Aren't they adorable?

Friday, September 18, 2009
FSDB (Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind)
It has been busy weeks. I will tell you about new school. I will tell you what happen on first day of school to today!
On August 24th, 2009. At 5:30am, I wake up and outside is dark. I ate breakfast...I not sure what did I ate for breakfast..Anyway, I wearing Black shirt, jeans, and flat black shoes. I was anxious. I felt my stomach knot.
At 6:25am, I bring my pink backpack and carries it. We walk and I look up at the sky. Sky is still dark blue with bright shiny stars...We walk to the gate. We waiting and waiting. Bus supposed to pick me at 6:35am.
It is 7:05am, bus came...I sit quietly and my throat feel like tighter and tighter. Kids come in bus...Some are blind, special needs, and deaf. Blind kids and Special needs kids come first to school then little ones go to 2nd building (Elementary) then last building (Middle School and High School)...I got off the bus... We arrived late...8:10am.
I went to science class with Mr. Lally. Then our group join Mrs. Penrose's class. I sit very nervous. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Each kids tell them, three things about them. I stood little bit shy (sometime I am shy with new kids)and told them that I moved to here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...I went to WPSD (Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf)....I not remember what I said about last one.
Some kids surprise that I live in Northeastern U.S. before. I love Florida but I like Pittsburgh for some fun reason like Kennywood (Amusement Park) and others.
Anyway, then 2nd block....World History with Mrs. Rice...She look little bit like my old teacher from old school, Mrs. Boal. Mrs. Rice is nice teacher.
3rd block...Reading with Mrs. Zwicker.
Lunch...I was so confused! First go to 3rd block class then lunch then back to 3rd block....I used to go class (Period 4) then lunch then Period 5.
It had a calculator...Student's ID number.
Then back to class....Then 4th Block....Algebra 1 with Mr. Varihaki (Hard to spell).
First week was not bad....Not used to....
2nd week was pretty good. Kinda used to.
3rd week (now)- very good...Used to.
I have many friends. I made many friends IN 2 weeks. Can you imagine that?!
Friends- Courtney, Jackie, Chris T, Chris B, John D, Josh, Crystal M, Crystal C, Jessica, Jeannie, Melissa, Ashley, Lou (girl), Justin, Marc, Lakeisha, Neal, Heath, Agatha, Ines, Shannon, Chantel, Jazzmin, Sabina, Maria, and many others...Can't think of names.. But a lot of kids.
Courtney, Jackie, Chris B, Chris T, Marc, John D are in my class....Also Melissa, Heath, Neal, Lou, Jeannie, and Jessica are in 10th grade.
Some are 11,10,and 9.
FSDB built in 1882.
Football, Baseball, Soccer, cheerleaders, Basketball,Swimming,Tracks, Cross Country, and Wrestlers
47 or 48 buildings! Wow!
High School- Pope Hall
Middle School- i forget.
Elementary School- I forget.
Special Needs/blind school- I not know.
Cafe is on 2nd floor!
2 floors buildings.
It has been busy weeks. I will tell you about new school. I will tell you what happen on first day of school to today!
On August 24th, 2009. At 5:30am, I wake up and outside is dark. I ate breakfast...I not sure what did I ate for breakfast..Anyway, I wearing Black shirt, jeans, and flat black shoes. I was anxious. I felt my stomach knot.
At 6:25am, I bring my pink backpack and carries it. We walk and I look up at the sky. Sky is still dark blue with bright shiny stars...We walk to the gate. We waiting and waiting. Bus supposed to pick me at 6:35am.
It is 7:05am, bus came...I sit quietly and my throat feel like tighter and tighter. Kids come in bus...Some are blind, special needs, and deaf. Blind kids and Special needs kids come first to school then little ones go to 2nd building (Elementary) then last building (Middle School and High School)...I got off the bus... We arrived late...8:10am.
I went to science class with Mr. Lally. Then our group join Mrs. Penrose's class. I sit very nervous. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Each kids tell them, three things about them. I stood little bit shy (sometime I am shy with new kids)and told them that I moved to here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...I went to WPSD (Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf)....I not remember what I said about last one.
Some kids surprise that I live in Northeastern U.S. before. I love Florida but I like Pittsburgh for some fun reason like Kennywood (Amusement Park) and others.
Anyway, then 2nd block....World History with Mrs. Rice...She look little bit like my old teacher from old school, Mrs. Boal. Mrs. Rice is nice teacher.
3rd block...Reading with Mrs. Zwicker.
Lunch...I was so confused! First go to 3rd block class then lunch then back to 3rd block....I used to go class (Period 4) then lunch then Period 5.
It had a calculator...Student's ID number.
Then back to class....Then 4th Block....Algebra 1 with Mr. Varihaki (Hard to spell).
First week was not bad....Not used to....
2nd week was pretty good. Kinda used to.
3rd week (now)- very good...Used to.
I have many friends. I made many friends IN 2 weeks. Can you imagine that?!
Friends- Courtney, Jackie, Chris T, Chris B, John D, Josh, Crystal M, Crystal C, Jessica, Jeannie, Melissa, Ashley, Lou (girl), Justin, Marc, Lakeisha, Neal, Heath, Agatha, Ines, Shannon, Chantel, Jazzmin, Sabina, Maria, and many others...Can't think of names.. But a lot of kids.
Courtney, Jackie, Chris B, Chris T, Marc, John D are in my class....Also Melissa, Heath, Neal, Lou, Jeannie, and Jessica are in 10th grade.
Some are 11,10,and 9.
FSDB built in 1882.
Football, Baseball, Soccer, cheerleaders, Basketball,Swimming,Tracks, Cross Country, and Wrestlers
47 or 48 buildings! Wow!
High School- Pope Hall
Middle School- i forget.
Elementary School- I forget.
Special Needs/blind school- I not know.
Cafe is on 2nd floor!
2 floors buildings.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Honor of Sept 11, 2001
Today is Sept 11th...If you not know about it. I will tell you about it.
Eight years ago, I was almost 9 and my sister's birthday was on 11th, she is 14 in 2001. We are at school. I am in 3rd grade when I am 9.
Al-Quaeda is in airplane and the airplane hit the Twin Tower in New York City.
2,993 people and Al-Quaeda died..That why people in building died and their family and friends are very sad about it. SO WE are sad about it too.
Read more information- 9/11/01
We are honor for today.
Look at Twin Tower, before the attack-
Right now, that where Twin Tower was. -
Eight years ago, I was almost 9 and my sister's birthday was on 11th, she is 14 in 2001. We are at school. I am in 3rd grade when I am 9.
Al-Quaeda is in airplane and the airplane hit the Twin Tower in New York City.
2,993 people and Al-Quaeda died..That why people in building died and their family and friends are very sad about it. SO WE are sad about it too.
Read more information- 9/11/01
We are honor for today.
Look at Twin Tower, before the attack-
Right now, that where Twin Tower was. -
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fort in St Augustine, Florida
On Saturday afternoonm August 15, 2009. Dad and I went to see oldest fort in St Augustine. We drove past that fort a lot times. I begs him to take me to see Fort. Finally last Saturday, he took me to see Fort.
That was used to be moat. People are not allowed to go downstairs to moat. But I know what is moat. I thought it was COOL. We walk on bridge, top of moat.

A lot of cannons.

That is stone stairs lead to moat. We are not allowed go downstairs. I think it is too dangerous or steep stairs so We look over the moat.

Old stone wall. You can see some cracks on walls.

Soliders' bedroom. Inside fort was really, really hot! Anyway, that mattresses filled with hay. It seem soft mattresses. We can touch it but do not sit on it.

A huge cannon with balls.

Do you think that stone walls are made from cement? Wrong. Stones are made with shells! You can see shells on walls. Look close at wall.

A Spanish Flag. Old flag..Cool?

A tall pole with holes. Too high to see bottom.

Oh Look inside tall pole. I took camera over that hole, I think it is lead to well. But too dark and barely see any inside hole. I hold camera really tight when put it in the hole.

See a lot of doors? Some rooms, we are allowed to see inside. We went to top of fort. We walked on steps. That steps are not from 1565-1700s. That was used to ramp because they has to pull the heavy cannons to top of fort from ramp.

Bottom view. I put camera down to bottom and you can see how far to bottom from top.

We are allowed to walk inside the tunnel. Hmm. Let do it. I doing myself went inside small tunnel. Just 1 feet long tunnel.

I went inside and see other side from tunnel, Oh it is nothing but walls. Cool?

Look how big fort is! Bigger than Pittsburgh Fort Pitts and Fort Duquense.

A burnt cannon. I forget what happen but it is burnt cannon.

I wondering why there is steps in lake. I guess it is for people get stuff from boats.

I had no idea what it is! I guess it is toilet seats! Haha! but not toilets. I not know what it is.

Old prison room. You can see inside the holes but it is dark and little bit lights inside. COOL?

We stand and watch some "soliders" talk to people about black cannon then they put ball inside and pull the cannon. Pop! We can hear it. I can hear it but feels it. POP. really loud pop. I likes it.

It is furnace. We can see inside.

Boo! It is me. Dad took pic of me, he was other side of furnace.

I took about 105 pictures but I pick some of pictures for blog. I learn a lot from Fort. I can't wait for school next week. If I not use blog much, that not mean I not like it. It mean I am busy for doing school works or at school for play sports or other activies but I will blog each week.
That was used to be moat. People are not allowed to go downstairs to moat. But I know what is moat. I thought it was COOL. We walk on bridge, top of moat.

A lot of cannons.

That is stone stairs lead to moat. We are not allowed go downstairs. I think it is too dangerous or steep stairs so We look over the moat.

Old stone wall. You can see some cracks on walls.

Soliders' bedroom. Inside fort was really, really hot! Anyway, that mattresses filled with hay. It seem soft mattresses. We can touch it but do not sit on it.

A huge cannon with balls.

Do you think that stone walls are made from cement? Wrong. Stones are made with shells! You can see shells on walls. Look close at wall.

A Spanish Flag. Old flag..Cool?

A tall pole with holes. Too high to see bottom.

Oh Look inside tall pole. I took camera over that hole, I think it is lead to well. But too dark and barely see any inside hole. I hold camera really tight when put it in the hole.

See a lot of doors? Some rooms, we are allowed to see inside. We went to top of fort. We walked on steps. That steps are not from 1565-1700s. That was used to ramp because they has to pull the heavy cannons to top of fort from ramp.

Bottom view. I put camera down to bottom and you can see how far to bottom from top.

We are allowed to walk inside the tunnel. Hmm. Let do it. I doing myself went inside small tunnel. Just 1 feet long tunnel.

I went inside and see other side from tunnel, Oh it is nothing but walls. Cool?

Look how big fort is! Bigger than Pittsburgh Fort Pitts and Fort Duquense.

A burnt cannon. I forget what happen but it is burnt cannon.

I wondering why there is steps in lake. I guess it is for people get stuff from boats.

I had no idea what it is! I guess it is toilet seats! Haha! but not toilets. I not know what it is.

Old prison room. You can see inside the holes but it is dark and little bit lights inside. COOL?

We stand and watch some "soliders" talk to people about black cannon then they put ball inside and pull the cannon. Pop! We can hear it. I can hear it but feels it. POP. really loud pop. I likes it.

It is furnace. We can see inside.

Boo! It is me. Dad took pic of me, he was other side of furnace.

I took about 105 pictures but I pick some of pictures for blog. I learn a lot from Fort. I can't wait for school next week. If I not use blog much, that not mean I not like it. It mean I am busy for doing school works or at school for play sports or other activies but I will blog each week.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Old stuff from 20th century (1900-1980s) Part 1
I loves old stuff from 1800s to 1980s. I collects the candies wrappers, old ones and new ones. I wants to collect old stuff but I could! One store have a lot of old stuff in St Augustine, which across the street from my school. I will post it when I have old stuff. There is more pictures of thing and I will post it sometimes.
Part two is coming soon. :) Enjoy.
1971 Pizza in toaster! I never knew that toasters was invented long time ago!

1970s Dinner box. Look at that foil tray! Today, we have black plastic tray.

1972 Tiger Milk. It look like for baby's forumal milk. But I not know.

Plastic Jar! 1960s.

Spoon Candy?!?! I think it is from 50s or 60s. I never heard that name- Spoon Candy!

60s medicine bottle. Always same kind of tummy medicine. Look at that bottle, you can barely see the liquid that dries up and stuck on bottle.

Late 60s gum. It is Hippie boxes.

1970s Cherry gum.

Oreo box from 1962. Creme is best part of Oreos!

That one was strange name. One day at Walmart, I walking in Chips/crackers aisle. I saw a box that same name as the boxes in 60s but different look boxes now. That was strange thing ever I saw! I never saw that name before, I guess they make it again this year.

Old Giant Dubble-Bubble gum wrappers! I love that gum!

Happy Soup, that was weird but funny name. Maybe it is mean Happy Soup make you happy?

Coupons from 30s-40s. Cereal boxes. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

I think it is from early 40s-50s because price said 39 cent a package. That was cheap! Today, there is like 1.00 dollars or so.

60s or 70s Kool-Aid packets. I never knew that drink was invented long time ago.
That pineapple icing from 60s. I thought it sound really good on cakes and cupcakes. Today, there is no pineapple icing.
I loves old stuff from 1800s to 1980s. I collects the candies wrappers, old ones and new ones. I wants to collect old stuff but I could! One store have a lot of old stuff in St Augustine, which across the street from my school. I will post it when I have old stuff. There is more pictures of thing and I will post it sometimes.
Part two is coming soon. :) Enjoy.
1971 Pizza in toaster! I never knew that toasters was invented long time ago!

1970s Dinner box. Look at that foil tray! Today, we have black plastic tray.

1972 Tiger Milk. It look like for baby's forumal milk. But I not know.

Plastic Jar! 1960s.

Spoon Candy?!?! I think it is from 50s or 60s. I never heard that name- Spoon Candy!

60s medicine bottle. Always same kind of tummy medicine. Look at that bottle, you can barely see the liquid that dries up and stuck on bottle.

Late 60s gum. It is Hippie boxes.

1970s Cherry gum.

Oreo box from 1962. Creme is best part of Oreos!

That one was strange name. One day at Walmart, I walking in Chips/crackers aisle. I saw a box that same name as the boxes in 60s but different look boxes now. That was strange thing ever I saw! I never saw that name before, I guess they make it again this year.

Old Giant Dubble-Bubble gum wrappers! I love that gum!

Happy Soup, that was weird but funny name. Maybe it is mean Happy Soup make you happy?

Coupons from 30s-40s. Cereal boxes. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

I think it is from early 40s-50s because price said 39 cent a package. That was cheap! Today, there is like 1.00 dollars or so.

60s or 70s Kool-Aid packets. I never knew that drink was invented long time ago.

That pineapple icing from 60s. I thought it sound really good on cakes and cupcakes. Today, there is no pineapple icing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
East Suburban YMCA
I going tell you about YMCA.
We joined YMCA in Plum, PA. Just five to ten min away from my old house. We joined on August 3, 2000.
YMCA Summer Camp, Day camp for 11 weeks. I started it in June 2001. My first group is Grasshoppers. I were 7 and half years old. So, I joined hearing camp. At first few years, I loved that camp then later, I dislike that camp but sometime I miss it. Anyway, there is many groups, I recall little bit about groups- Small Fry, Bumblebee, Grasshoppers, Bluebirds, Porcupines, Turtles, Adventure Clubs, and other.
I met some friends. Kara, Ashley, Bobbie Jo, and Katie but I not remember other kids in Grasshoppers. I think my counselors name is Stephanie and Kristen. We arrived in gym at 830am then camp start 9am, We went to Pool for 1 hour and ten min. I like it. Then We have classes, which I not like much because ALWAYS same things every week. Yucky. But Only two things that I like gym and pool. We bring backpack because towels and other stuff.
We had bring our lunchbags for lunch. Every Wed- Pizza or McDonalds. I not really like Fox Pizza. Every Fridays there is always field trips but I like some. We went to Keystone park. I not really like because that fake beach is SO filthy and smelly like old fishes. I just like sit on towel and read book or eat snack at snackbar.
My friends barely know sign. But I had bring notebooks and pens.
There is sports, crafts, and um other. I like Baseball. I like gym a lot because We can play anything. I just like shoot basketball, it is fun. I like Beginning Morning every Wed because we can do anything outside. I like craft but it is boring sometime.
I went for 6 or 7 years at camp. I met Kara, Katie, Bobbi Jo, Jade, Ashley, Rebecca, and Lauren. I like Lauren, Katie, and Kara. Because they are nice and we usually talk together. Oh yeah Emily, Kara's step-sister.
Second year- Tadpole, then 3rd year- I think Tadpole too. Then 4th year- Oppossum, then 5th and 6th year, I not remember. 7th year- Hippo. Anyway, I like some counselors.
I love the pool. There is 3, 4, 5,7, 12 feet. I can touch bottom of pool in 12 feet. It is cool. I remember my first year of camp, I not really good swim in five feet and I am nearly 4 feet tall. I can't tread well and I almost drowned. But luckly my counselor got me. Then 2nd year, I am good swim and can tread in five feet.
I remember in June 2007, We went to Kon-O-Kwee. It was pretty fun. I remember I had tonsil and adenois removed in May 2007 then one month later, I went to camp. I went to WMI camp 3 time in 2006, 2007, and 2008 that why I missed 4 weeks of YMCA camp. Then 2007, I was in Hippo and it was my last year and I really hate it then I quit because I am too old for that camp. Camp age 3 to 13. I am almost 15 in 2007 that why I quit.
Ymca Indian Princess- YIP. It was my favorite. My dad and I never know YIP until Sept 2001, We joined it. My tribe name is Pinto. I love Pinto very, very much! There is other tribes name- Blackhawk, Mohawk, Hopi, Lackawanna, Teton, Shonshone, Penscola, and of course Pinto! I was 8 and half years old but we joined in Sept and it is only 3 weeks before my 9th birthday and in 3rd grade. I am oldest girl of Pinto.
I met friends in Pinto. Rebecca and Claudia, they are five...and Elise, Kannsas, Emily M, Emily H. I met other tribe girls too- Shelby N and Olivia B. I am only deaf girl in Indian Princess but it not matter with me. Deaf people can do anything same as the hearing people.
Rebecca and Claudia joined same year as us. Anyway, We went our first fall campout, Deer Valley in Fort Hills, PA. It is 1 hour and 15 min. We have fun time at Deer Valley. There is Cabins. I not remember which number that we are in. There is snackbar. I got ice cream heh. Friday to Sunday in October. We got there Friday night then home after Sunday lunch. There is Pizza and Bingo on Friday Night.
Saturday, We have war game, I like it. Then lunch then I think war game. We have free time. We doing Trail of Courage and rock climb. I remember we walk in forest, I had walk with my hands on ground. I not know why I did that. We went to Fossil, I like it. We went to Mount Davis. That was soooo cool. Here is link but I cant click the button because block button. Here is a link.
Mount Davis is 3,213 feet tall! I love it! At first, I was little nervous but we walk on many steps to top. It was amazing! We can see West Virginia far away from where we stand top. Saturday night, we have HALLOWEEN party, We had to dress up and have party. It was cool. We not have any stuff because we not know about it.
I loved it. Then We have other activies in many months. I remember we slept at Pittsburgh Zoo in Jan. It was cold outside. For one day. We went to Winter Campout in Deer Valley. We sleep in big house. I not remember it very well. But I remember I ask my friends- (Signing) Do we friends? Then they said No. I was upset and went to room and my dad ask them..But they are just teasing me.
Then May 2002, We have spring campout in Zelienople, PA. It is only 45-50 min away. I like it a lot. I remember I misspelled Zelienople. It was Zelinoble. Forget "E" in that word. There is Climb wall (it was my favorite), Trail of Courage, and other. I like uncle Harry because he was funny person. And he let all girls use paddle to hit dad's butt. I do to my dad. Then Sunday, All girls get whipped cream and do same time and splat to dad's face. I thought it was funny.
June, We have banquet. I have trophy. I liked it. Both campout have giftstore. At Fall campout, I bought very first camp shirt. It had Taz and Tweety on canoe boat. I still have it!!!!!!!!! It was so small now. My indian name is Snowflake Deer. Why I pick that? My dad's indian name is Sitting Buck.
On Sept (every year), We have picnic. Including new people join. I love it. Then I met Kara (same one from YMCA summer camp) and other. Fall campout and Spring Campout, same thing. Then 2005 or 2006, Kara's step-sister, Emily joined. I changed my indian name- Sneaky Fox because I am deaf. Then 2005, I rode horse in Deer Valley! His name is Cactus "Lunchbox" because he ALWAYS eat grasses and plants. I did not ride horse for long time because I rode pony when I am five. It was in my school and pony ride is short ride. I remember it.
Then 2006- I rode horse again, his name is BB. 2007- BJ and 2008- I think BJ. I going tell u about camp 08 and 09 because i remember it.
On October 10 2008, I packed clothes then wait for my dad come home from work so he pack then we leave to camp. I bring notebooks and stuff. Then We went to camp. I ate pizza and I think there is no bingo. We decide go to eat ice cream with my friends. I changed my name again, Silence Fox. But I can talk. Anyway, I think we sleep in Cabin number 14. I like bunk bed. It is wooden bunk bed! I bring snacks. It is Oreos and chips (crispers) and SunnyD drink (That is cirtus fruit juice)
We had war games. Girls try to drop worms in cup while dads are lay down on basketball court and some kids drop worms on dads' face. Some girls tries to eat one REAL ALIVE worms. If did, it get 10 or 15 points for eat worm. I did not eat it. If I did and I will gag after eat worm. I like gummy worms that all.
Saturday, I rode horse, BJ. I like it. Then we went to Climb Rocks. Then Spring Campout, in May 15-17 2009. We went to there for our last campout. On Friday, I packed clothes then went to my granny's house then went to camp. We went there. We doing things for other tribes. Like we are judge for war game.
Friday night, we arrived little earlier becuase we help stuff with our tribe. We sleep in Spencers cabin because there is only five tribes. Becaue Hopi, Penscola, and Teton are gone and no more kids. One tribe, I think Shonshone or Lackawanna tribe have 4 girls and 3 dads. That was strange. There is Pinto, Shonshone, Blackhawk, Lackawanna, and Mohawk. Me, Rebecca, and Claudia and our dads put little wooden horses and hide it anywhere in camp. I had a blue horse necklace so kids can find it but they notice it but not get it. That was funny thing! We are not allowed to tell little ones in Pinto because they can tell other tribes.
We sleep in Spencer. I bring my rusty old scooter. I was really good at that this time before, I hardly do good at it. I like it. We went to climb wall, Climb rocks (Eagle Nest) and Trail of Course. My dad and I went to lake and do canoe. After we done we walk and geese are front of us and they are so slow and a lot of little babies there. We decide make noise make them scared and running.
We went to new ZIPLINE. I love zipline, I took it in NH camp. It was so fun! So high, so fast, so cool, and so cold up there. I had a fun time for 8 years at camp. I still talk with them. Now it is really long story but thank you for read about it. Now I going work on my other blog. You can ask me questions about both blogs. I would like that and I will answer it.
We joined YMCA in Plum, PA. Just five to ten min away from my old house. We joined on August 3, 2000.
YMCA Summer Camp, Day camp for 11 weeks. I started it in June 2001. My first group is Grasshoppers. I were 7 and half years old. So, I joined hearing camp. At first few years, I loved that camp then later, I dislike that camp but sometime I miss it. Anyway, there is many groups, I recall little bit about groups- Small Fry, Bumblebee, Grasshoppers, Bluebirds, Porcupines, Turtles, Adventure Clubs, and other.
I met some friends. Kara, Ashley, Bobbie Jo, and Katie but I not remember other kids in Grasshoppers. I think my counselors name is Stephanie and Kristen. We arrived in gym at 830am then camp start 9am, We went to Pool for 1 hour and ten min. I like it. Then We have classes, which I not like much because ALWAYS same things every week. Yucky. But Only two things that I like gym and pool. We bring backpack because towels and other stuff.
We had bring our lunchbags for lunch. Every Wed- Pizza or McDonalds. I not really like Fox Pizza. Every Fridays there is always field trips but I like some. We went to Keystone park. I not really like because that fake beach is SO filthy and smelly like old fishes. I just like sit on towel and read book or eat snack at snackbar.
My friends barely know sign. But I had bring notebooks and pens.
There is sports, crafts, and um other. I like Baseball. I like gym a lot because We can play anything. I just like shoot basketball, it is fun. I like Beginning Morning every Wed because we can do anything outside. I like craft but it is boring sometime.
I went for 6 or 7 years at camp. I met Kara, Katie, Bobbi Jo, Jade, Ashley, Rebecca, and Lauren. I like Lauren, Katie, and Kara. Because they are nice and we usually talk together. Oh yeah Emily, Kara's step-sister.
Second year- Tadpole, then 3rd year- I think Tadpole too. Then 4th year- Oppossum, then 5th and 6th year, I not remember. 7th year- Hippo. Anyway, I like some counselors.
I love the pool. There is 3, 4, 5,7, 12 feet. I can touch bottom of pool in 12 feet. It is cool. I remember my first year of camp, I not really good swim in five feet and I am nearly 4 feet tall. I can't tread well and I almost drowned. But luckly my counselor got me. Then 2nd year, I am good swim and can tread in five feet.
I remember in June 2007, We went to Kon-O-Kwee. It was pretty fun. I remember I had tonsil and adenois removed in May 2007 then one month later, I went to camp. I went to WMI camp 3 time in 2006, 2007, and 2008 that why I missed 4 weeks of YMCA camp. Then 2007, I was in Hippo and it was my last year and I really hate it then I quit because I am too old for that camp. Camp age 3 to 13. I am almost 15 in 2007 that why I quit.
Ymca Indian Princess- YIP. It was my favorite. My dad and I never know YIP until Sept 2001, We joined it. My tribe name is Pinto. I love Pinto very, very much! There is other tribes name- Blackhawk, Mohawk, Hopi, Lackawanna, Teton, Shonshone, Penscola, and of course Pinto! I was 8 and half years old but we joined in Sept and it is only 3 weeks before my 9th birthday and in 3rd grade. I am oldest girl of Pinto.
I met friends in Pinto. Rebecca and Claudia, they are five...and Elise, Kannsas, Emily M, Emily H. I met other tribe girls too- Shelby N and Olivia B. I am only deaf girl in Indian Princess but it not matter with me. Deaf people can do anything same as the hearing people.
Rebecca and Claudia joined same year as us. Anyway, We went our first fall campout, Deer Valley in Fort Hills, PA. It is 1 hour and 15 min. We have fun time at Deer Valley. There is Cabins. I not remember which number that we are in. There is snackbar. I got ice cream heh. Friday to Sunday in October. We got there Friday night then home after Sunday lunch. There is Pizza and Bingo on Friday Night.
Saturday, We have war game, I like it. Then lunch then I think war game. We have free time. We doing Trail of Courage and rock climb. I remember we walk in forest, I had walk with my hands on ground. I not know why I did that. We went to Fossil, I like it. We went to Mount Davis. That was soooo cool. Here is link but I cant click the button because block button. Here is a link.
Mount Davis is 3,213 feet tall! I love it! At first, I was little nervous but we walk on many steps to top. It was amazing! We can see West Virginia far away from where we stand top. Saturday night, we have HALLOWEEN party, We had to dress up and have party. It was cool. We not have any stuff because we not know about it.
I loved it. Then We have other activies in many months. I remember we slept at Pittsburgh Zoo in Jan. It was cold outside. For one day. We went to Winter Campout in Deer Valley. We sleep in big house. I not remember it very well. But I remember I ask my friends- (Signing) Do we friends? Then they said No. I was upset and went to room and my dad ask them..But they are just teasing me.
Then May 2002, We have spring campout in Zelienople, PA. It is only 45-50 min away. I like it a lot. I remember I misspelled Zelienople. It was Zelinoble. Forget "E" in that word. There is Climb wall (it was my favorite), Trail of Courage, and other. I like uncle Harry because he was funny person. And he let all girls use paddle to hit dad's butt. I do to my dad. Then Sunday, All girls get whipped cream and do same time and splat to dad's face. I thought it was funny.
June, We have banquet. I have trophy. I liked it. Both campout have giftstore. At Fall campout, I bought very first camp shirt. It had Taz and Tweety on canoe boat. I still have it!!!!!!!!! It was so small now. My indian name is Snowflake Deer. Why I pick that? My dad's indian name is Sitting Buck.
On Sept (every year), We have picnic. Including new people join. I love it. Then I met Kara (same one from YMCA summer camp) and other. Fall campout and Spring Campout, same thing. Then 2005 or 2006, Kara's step-sister, Emily joined. I changed my indian name- Sneaky Fox because I am deaf. Then 2005, I rode horse in Deer Valley! His name is Cactus "Lunchbox" because he ALWAYS eat grasses and plants. I did not ride horse for long time because I rode pony when I am five. It was in my school and pony ride is short ride. I remember it.
Then 2006- I rode horse again, his name is BB. 2007- BJ and 2008- I think BJ. I going tell u about camp 08 and 09 because i remember it.
On October 10 2008, I packed clothes then wait for my dad come home from work so he pack then we leave to camp. I bring notebooks and stuff. Then We went to camp. I ate pizza and I think there is no bingo. We decide go to eat ice cream with my friends. I changed my name again, Silence Fox. But I can talk. Anyway, I think we sleep in Cabin number 14. I like bunk bed. It is wooden bunk bed! I bring snacks. It is Oreos and chips (crispers) and SunnyD drink (That is cirtus fruit juice)
We had war games. Girls try to drop worms in cup while dads are lay down on basketball court and some kids drop worms on dads' face. Some girls tries to eat one REAL ALIVE worms. If did, it get 10 or 15 points for eat worm. I did not eat it. If I did and I will gag after eat worm. I like gummy worms that all.
Saturday, I rode horse, BJ. I like it. Then we went to Climb Rocks. Then Spring Campout, in May 15-17 2009. We went to there for our last campout. On Friday, I packed clothes then went to my granny's house then went to camp. We went there. We doing things for other tribes. Like we are judge for war game.
Friday night, we arrived little earlier becuase we help stuff with our tribe. We sleep in Spencers cabin because there is only five tribes. Becaue Hopi, Penscola, and Teton are gone and no more kids. One tribe, I think Shonshone or Lackawanna tribe have 4 girls and 3 dads. That was strange. There is Pinto, Shonshone, Blackhawk, Lackawanna, and Mohawk. Me, Rebecca, and Claudia and our dads put little wooden horses and hide it anywhere in camp. I had a blue horse necklace so kids can find it but they notice it but not get it. That was funny thing! We are not allowed to tell little ones in Pinto because they can tell other tribes.
We sleep in Spencer. I bring my rusty old scooter. I was really good at that this time before, I hardly do good at it. I like it. We went to climb wall, Climb rocks (Eagle Nest) and Trail of Course. My dad and I went to lake and do canoe. After we done we walk and geese are front of us and they are so slow and a lot of little babies there. We decide make noise make them scared and running.
We went to new ZIPLINE. I love zipline, I took it in NH camp. It was so fun! So high, so fast, so cool, and so cold up there. I had a fun time for 8 years at camp. I still talk with them. Now it is really long story but thank you for read about it. Now I going work on my other blog. You can ask me questions about both blogs. I would like that and I will answer it.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
What is scoliosis? That mean people have curve spine. I had a curve spine. But my spine is not bad curve, just kind fine. Many people including me wearing brace. I had boston brace. Some people use Milkuakee Brace that had rod on their neck. I not have rod on neck.
Animals can have scoliosis, not all of animals.
My parents find out that I had it when I am about 12. In October 2006, one week after I get my teeth braces. after that week, I am really upset and I cried a lot.
I never like brace because it is not fun. I can't wear any clothes that not fit with brace. I had use some loose shirts. Yucky. It going under shirts. Some of my friends know that and they understand how I feel. I would tell my friends that I going to Doctor and see how many degree I have.
I not like tell people about it because I thought they will laugh but it is not true. I just like tell my friends and family. Two of my friends had tried on brace for a min and they told me that was so hard and feel bad about it.
Doctor said I not have to use it for camp because it is hard to do with it. He said that if you stop grow, I not need brace but I still grow little bit. Still now.
Animals can have scoliosis, not all of animals.
My parents find out that I had it when I am about 12. In October 2006, one week after I get my teeth braces. after that week, I am really upset and I cried a lot.
I never like brace because it is not fun. I can't wear any clothes that not fit with brace. I had use some loose shirts. Yucky. It going under shirts. Some of my friends know that and they understand how I feel. I would tell my friends that I going to Doctor and see how many degree I have.
I not like tell people about it because I thought they will laugh but it is not true. I just like tell my friends and family. Two of my friends had tried on brace for a min and they told me that was so hard and feel bad about it.
Doctor said I not have to use it for camp because it is hard to do with it. He said that if you stop grow, I not need brace but I still grow little bit. Still now.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Now I tell you about the famous quints! Dionne Quints.
Birth order- Yvonne, Annette, Cecile, Emilie, and Marie.
They born on May 28Th, 1934 to Olva(father) and Ezra (Mother),they have many siblings. They moved to hospital (nursery) at age 9 months old. They are not allowed live with their family. They live with Doctor Dafoe and few nurses. They are very famous from Toronto, Canada.
Yvonne and Annette look same and they shared Egg Sacs. Cecile shared one Egg Sac. Emilie and Marie are mirror "Twins" and they shared Egg Sacs. See pictures of five little ones?
Did you see picture of each girls? They are sure look like same. They did in movies. Reunion (1936), Five of Kinds (1938) and other. Millions of people come to visit Nursery and see Quints.
May 28Th, 1934, They born. At few weeks old, Marie had a tumor in her leg and they got it off. They are 3 month premature. They are under 2 pounds and so tiny (see one picture of 2 days old girls).
At 9 months old, they live with Dr Dafoe and nurses.
They not allowed bathe. The nurses use Olive Oil to rub babies' chubby skins for first 3 months then use regular bath.
They have unhappy life. (But some pictures, they are happy girls)
They eat a lot of fruits, veggies, and drink milk. They use some sun lights when play outside and in Winter, they are under sunlamps. They sleep for 13 1/2 hours- 630pm to 8am.
Then 1943, They moved to their family again when Olva won to get girls to live with them.
Their father sexually abused them when he take one by one girls out the car and abused them.
On Aug 1954, Emilie had a seizure and she sleep on her stomach and face in pillow and start seizures. She got seizures at age 12. Nun supposed to turn her but she died. She died at age 20.
On Feb 1970, Marie died. They are worries that Marie did not answer mails and telephones. I think Cecile's husband came to apt and broke her door and saw Marie was laying on floor and been dead for few days.
In 2001, Yvonne died of Cancer.
Now Cecile and Annette are only two survived quints.
I was interesting about them since 2007. Then I stopped for a year. 2008, I start interesting about them, even now.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Guess who?
Guess who? It is my dad and mom! That picture took in 1984! I was not born yet. Not for other 8 years more. One year before they get married. They look so young! It is my favorite picture of my dad and mom! My mom told me that she is 21 and dad is 27 in that picture.
I thought it is very pretty picture. They told me they met in Raspberry Rhino (bar) in Pittsburgh in 1984. My mom work in that bar. My dad was in the band! He play guitar in "The Shades", I never knew that he did play in the band. They met in the bar and they talk then they turned in love.'
In that picture, my mom look very pretty. My daddy look very handsome! he is holding cracker and talk/laugh with others and Mom just look at camera. I was surprise they dyed their hair before. My dad used to have red hair (in the band) and Mom used to have purple hair (highlighted).
I love one picture of dad that he play guitar and singing, his face look really fierce. He had RED hair! He keep his guitar still now. It is brown with pink spots. He sometime let me use it. I am so happy to have them to be my wonderful parents.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
This is Daisy. My grandmother's little puppy. We got her on Feb. 6, 2009, she is 2 and half month old and 3 pounds. Her birthday is Nov. 17, 2008. Right now, she is 7 month old. Wow, She grew a lot! Before, she was wee-tiny, now little bigger. See Two first pictures of her. One is in petstore, see me snuggle with her? and other is in bathroom. Close up of us. She had a pink bow on her head. Now recently, she is in onesies. Aren't she cute?
I adores to play with her. I came to grandmother's house almost every Fridays (from Feb to May) and I usually play with Daisy for hours and hours like 5-6 hours. Haha but sometime she eat, drink, and sleep. Whenever she is sleeping and I going to upstairs, she will wake up and follow me. And I go to bathroom and she sit by door and wait for me.
On Feb. 6, 2009, We went to Petland and show me that Morkies puppies. Daisy is Morkie. Morkies are Yorkie and Maltese mixed. We saw her in a little box with glass window. She is sleeping. So I tapped light on window and she woke up. We decide tell person who works at Petland (petstore) and we play with Daisy. At first, she was so tiny and little scared and she likes to play with my shoelaces.
We stayed in a little room for like 2-3 hours but I not remember. I decide give my old shoelaces to her to play and love it. So my grandmom asked person about how many cost is she? She said like 1,500 dollars or something. She got half off price! We pay it and get puppy stuff like bed, food, and toys. I took a purple toy (purple furry man) and she likes to chewing it.
They put a pink bow on her. I took some collars and leashes and put on Daisy, which color suit her. I choose a purple one with flowers collar and purple leash. They put Daisy in little cardboard box. We think about name. First I told her what about Oreo so we not want that name. I thought Daisy is pretty name so we choose that name. We took her to home. We put her on floor. She is little bit scared but she is ok.
We set up crate. At first several weeks, Daisy had to stay in the kitchen with long silver gate. If I want go upstairs and I had to lift her and go to upstairs and put her in playroom (guest room and sew room) and door closed. Then probably in mid of March 2009, I was surprise that she did on stairs all by herself. Then in April. She can jump on sofa, chair (not dining room chair, it is too high for her) and bed all by herself.
I cant believe she grew so big! Now she is 8 pounds. Few weeks ago, I heard that my grandmother took her to hospital for spayed surgery. I hope she is doing ok. She is fine now. Oh yeah whenever I come in house and she would jump in crate and I opened and she jumped on me. Then she calm down for a few min. She like eat apples and chickens. She understand "sit" and "stay" and "come". I did both voice and sign to her and she did! Wow! She is just puppy and she could understand sit, stay, and come!
Her favorite toys are chewing on bones and keys toy something. She like squeaky pink ball so I could fetch it to her. Sometime she like chew on my grandmother's crocs shoes. Haha and she would steal my shoes and any people's socks. She like to come with us and take a walk outside but she is bad. She would run when we walk. Thank for reading about Daisy.
I will post about my sister's dog tomorrow!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Flea Market, June 27th, 2009.
What a freak look doll! But it is old doll with big head. It is look like over 100 years old doll. Did you see telegraph? It is very cool! from late 1890s or early 1900s. It is similar to Little House on the Prairie because they have telegraph but It does not have in 1870s-1880s! But TV show is from 1974-1983. I like it. 

Do you spot a cracker tin cup and waldo? Where is Waldo?

Soda pop bottles. There are many old coca-cola (coke) bottles and have real soda liquid in the bottle! Wow! If it is from 1940s and Keep liquid to now, We are not allowed to open because it is too old to drink and it will taste bitter. Do you spot a fat shaped bottle?

Ice box! I thought it is very cool! Brown one is very old ice box. It is from like early 1920s-1930s. It can keep ice little cool but it is only be cold for last 2-4 days. Green one ice box with electrics, I think it is from 1940s. I thought it is very nice thing that had electric and keep ice cooler.

I saw a freak-look Mickey Mouse statue. I think it is VERY weird and freak statue! I thought it was not Mickey but he had a yellow shoes. He had fur. Does Mice have fur? No? Mice have hairy. Close up of Mickey Mouse's face. Very freak look! I would not buy that freak-look statue. He is like from 1950s.

Do you spot a cracker tin cup and waldo? Where is Waldo?
Soda pop bottles. There are many old coca-cola (coke) bottles and have real soda liquid in the bottle! Wow! If it is from 1940s and Keep liquid to now, We are not allowed to open because it is too old to drink and it will taste bitter. Do you spot a fat shaped bottle?
Ice box! I thought it is very cool! Brown one is very old ice box. It is from like early 1920s-1930s. It can keep ice little cool but it is only be cold for last 2-4 days. Green one ice box with electrics, I think it is from 1940s. I thought it is very nice thing that had electric and keep ice cooler.
I saw a freak-look Mickey Mouse statue. I think it is VERY weird and freak statue! I thought it was not Mickey but he had a yellow shoes. He had fur. Does Mice have fur? No? Mice have hairy. Close up of Mickey Mouse's face. Very freak look! I would not buy that freak-look statue. He is like from 1950s.
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